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Marta and Marek

18 replies

Festen · 22/07/2013 09:38

I love these names. I went to school with a Polish girl called Marta and knew a Slovakian guy called Marek; both names have stayed in my memory. DC will have a German surname so these names would both fit. But how will they sound to English speakers? Especially Marta, which has almost the same sound as 'martyr'.

Keep on my list or ditch?!

(I'm not having twins by the way, but keeping sex of the baby a surprise)

OP posts:
Fraxinus · 23/07/2013 22:44

I know a few Slovaks called marek, and have heard it pronounced bowlers arm way number 1.

It's a great name, but English people like to call them mark for ease.

dementedma · 23/07/2013 22:32

Marek is a cool name. Love it

DrinkFeckArseGirls · 23/07/2013 21:00

In Polish, there is a saying (that rhymes) alleging that Marta is worth the sin! Grin

PoppyAmex · 23/07/2013 20:58

Pressed "send" too soon!

I have three cousins named Marta and they're all super bright and stunning Smile

PoppyAmex · 23/07/2013 20:57

Marta is very popular in Portugal and Spain and I think it's miles nicer than "Martha". Beautiful, biblical name.

crunchbag · 23/07/2013 20:51

I know a Polish Marek who goes by Mark

Like both Marta and Marek

DrinkFeckArseGirls · 23/07/2013 20:48

I promise you there is only one Polish pronunciation.

Bowlersarm · 23/07/2013 18:07

Definitely different pronunciations available. As is said i know two, both spelt Marek but pronounced in two different ways.

  1. Marr - eck

  2. Mah - rick (Mah said as in first bit of 'marry')
Leeds2 · 23/07/2013 11:33

The Marek I know is always pronounced Ma-rick. I don't know if that is the correct pronunciation! He is Polish.

DrinkFeckArseGirls · 23/07/2013 09:49

There is only one pronunciation. It just sounds different depending in the accent of the English speaking person saying it.

aoife24 · 22/07/2013 21:59

I like both of them.

Festen · 22/07/2013 20:11

*Bowlersarm, yes I had heard that there were two pronounciations. The one I like is Mah-rek, but I don't see a problem if people get it wrong the first time.

I quite like the name Martha but it is a bit grannyish for my taste. Marta has a bit more oomph I think.

OP posts:
dyslexicdespot · 22/07/2013 20:01

I love Marta.

Bowlersarm · 22/07/2013 19:59

Quite like Marta, although prefer Martha actually.

Just one point about Marek - I know two, and they are pronounced differently. Would that be an issue?

Festen · 22/07/2013 19:56

Yes....but not Wink

OP posts:
DrinkFeckArseGirls · 22/07/2013 16:40

Basically Martha and Mark.

BangOn · 22/07/2013 15:18

Marek is lovely.

squoosh · 22/07/2013 14:39

I think Marta is lovely.

Marek I'm less sold on.

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