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Primrose....too out there?

55 replies

FingersCrossedLegsNot · 21/07/2013 00:21


I have recently fallen hard for Primrose, I think it sounds beautiful but is it too much?

I remember hearing of a little girl called this years ago and thinking wow. Do you know of anybody who has used this name and if so what reactions do they receive?

I always think would I like to be called this when considering a name and I would love to be called Primrose even though I'm not prim and proper lol!

I suggested it to my dh and he laughed and said it was too much but IMO how can Rose, Iris, Poppy, Daisy etc etc be ok and another flower name not?

Anyway I think I'm rambling now!!! Grin TIA

OP posts:
katydid02 · 21/07/2013 16:31

I love the name Posy. I think it can suit a tomboy - think Posy Fossil in Ballet Shoes.

Serenity6 · 21/07/2013 17:03

It's really pretty. I love it :)

FingersCrossedLegsNot · 21/07/2013 17:12

Ponbblewhohasnoties....twee....yep that is me, I am a lover of all things twee! Grin

OP posts:
TidyDancer · 21/07/2013 17:14

Yep, I thought Shipman as well, sorry.

Why don't you go for Posy?

FetaCheeny · 21/07/2013 17:22

Love Primrose although I think the Hunger games helped as the character is so likeable and 'prim' suddenly seems an acceptable nn. Think the nn posy is adorable. It is twee but that's not a bad thing IMO.

Primrose123 · 21/07/2013 17:24

I love it! Grin

(Check out my username!)

Remotecontrolduck · 21/07/2013 17:25

Tiny bit on the twee side but I do like it actually!

MrsBungle · 21/07/2013 17:26

I love Primrose. I don't think it's twee - I really don't like twee names which is why I detest the name Posy

WandaDoff · 21/07/2013 17:26

Primrose Shipman was my first thought as well.

TiredyCustards · 21/07/2013 17:27

I have a niece called Primrose, really suits her. I don't think a Primrose needs to be prim, I think it's a very wholesome name iyswim.

charlottehere · 21/07/2013 17:27

Love it.... I couldn't use it for no4 as I have a Violet....and he's a boy!

AngusAndElspethsThistleWhistle · 21/07/2013 17:42

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cuillereasoupe · 21/07/2013 18:23

It came up as a name a month or two ago. I didn't like it then and I don't like it now. Primrose Shipman and prim and prissy. Sorry.

CruCru · 21/07/2013 18:35

There's nothing wrong with Primrose but I think it depends on your surname. Primrose Shipman was an innocent woman.

Reastie · 21/07/2013 18:38

I love it, it was one of my possible names for DD. Did a thread on here and mn put me off Confused . I think it's really beautiful though.

MyNameIsSuz · 21/07/2013 18:39

Oh I love it! I would probably shorten it to Rosie.

Snoot · 21/07/2013 21:03

Not Rosie! It's a beautiful name but I know umpteen Rosies. I think the Prim shortening would put me off as well, I've been called posh and posho before now, had my name been shortenable to Prim my life might not have been worth living! Depends on the child but how are you to know with a baby?

MyNameIsSuz · 21/07/2013 21:55

But that's the point! Growing up with an unusual name I always wanted to have a really normal name like everyone else. Now I'm grown up I can appreciate it being a bit different. But I really love the idea that a person could have an unusual name but shorten it to something common if they wanted, it gives a lot of options. And as you say, if they are at risk of being labelled as posh (or anything else) and the name can exacerbate that, surely it would be great to have a plain option if they want?

Anyway, I'm a fan of Primrose and it was already on the list for number 2 Smile

Snoot · 21/07/2013 22:01

I meant that prim can mean "prim and proper" or the dictionary definition:

"prim 1 (prm)
adj. prim·mer, prim·mest
a. Precise or proper to the point of affectation; excessively decorous.
b. Strait-laced; prudish"

williwonti · 21/07/2013 22:04

It makes me think of Darling Buds of May. Nice though x

invicta · 21/07/2013 22:06

My first thought was The Darling Buds of May.

Love the name.

SoftSheen · 21/07/2013 22:17

Love it.


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miffybun73 · 21/07/2013 22:20

I just think of Harold Shipman's wife as she's the only Primrose that I've ever heard of :(

mrstowers · 22/07/2013 10:56

It makes me think of a prissy weak female. Far too twee sorry.

SmallOrangeGiraffe · 22/07/2013 13:20

Love it - in fact I've stolen it for my bumps possible middle name.

Also made me think of darling buds of may.

Go for it! x

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