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Thomas - do you have one / are you likely to call a Thomas Tommy?

24 replies

OhGood · 08/07/2013 13:55

Day 14 of baby no-name and I am v tired (obvs) so please excuse if this gets a bit random.

Like Thomas, like Tom but really don't like Tommy. Is Tommy inevitable for a Thomas? Or could we skip straight to Tom?

OP posts:
Clawdy · 15/07/2013 21:54

My Thomas quickly became Tom,and still is. My friend's son Thomas remained so for years because she wouldn't let him be called Tom! Then when he hit the teen years all his friends started calling him Toz.....

Tulipsandbuttercups · 14/07/2013 22:49

My nephew Thomas is 5 and we call him Tom

BackforGood · 09/07/2013 13:59

It'd be interesting to know how old your Thomas's (never Tom)'s are bugsy and ballinacup.
All adult and teen Thomas's are called Tom, surely ?

tableandsofa · 09/07/2013 13:13

Thomas/Tommy seems to be very popular at the moment. I know 2 Tommys, 1 Tomas and 1 Thomas born just in the last month.

He'll probably be Thomas until at secondary school then he and his friends will shorten it themselves to Tom. I've never met and adult Thomas that doesn't go as Tom.

Redblackcar2 · 09/07/2013 11:58

All the Thomas's I know get called Tom.

ballinacup · 09/07/2013 11:51

I have a Thomas. He is NOT Tom, or Tommy. Occasionally he is Mr Tomble. People seem to have followed my lead, and as I only ever refer to him as Thomas, that's all he gets called.

bugsybill · 09/07/2013 10:54

I know a couple of Thomases and none get called Tom or tommy. I would never think if calling a Thomas a Tom or tommy, don't know why but I wouldn't .

3littlewomen · 08/07/2013 20:45

16 year old Tom here.... I ignore Tommy and call him Thomas when he is in BIG trouble! Name has served him very well!

MERLYPUSS · 08/07/2013 20:39

I have a 5yr old Thomas. There are 3 in reception. He is only ever Thomas by us, Tom-Tom by uncle and DodDos by DT to wind him up.

Blanketsandpillows · 08/07/2013 20:32

I also think Tom is a much more likely nn than Tommy

OhGood · 08/07/2013 20:25

Thanks everyone, set mind at rest.

OP posts:
smoothmoves · 08/07/2013 19:42

I've got a Thomas, but he's always been called Tom (or Tom-tom but only by us) We had to fill in forms for school saying what our preferred name or nickname was, so we put Tom and he's always been called Tom, by teachers and friends, never Tommy.

3boys3dogshelp · 08/07/2013 19:42

I have a 3 yo Thomas, he is Tom or Thomas, never Tommy. I don't think anyone has ever called him that. I still love his name :-).

AnathemaDevice · 08/07/2013 19:34

My brother is Tom/Thomas. In 30 years he has only ever been called Tommy by our nan. He won't answer to it if anyone else calls him Tommy.

mimitwo · 08/07/2013 17:23

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

FobblyWoof · 08/07/2013 14:55

I know a Thomas. No one has ever called him Tommy so I think you're safe

Layl77 · 08/07/2013 14:54

The Thomas's I know get Tom never tommy

BackforGood · 08/07/2013 14:50

I don't have my own Thomas, but I know quite a lot (who are teens, so outside of their Mum's hearing Wink), and they are all known as Tom.
I also go into a lot of Nurseries, and never hear of any Tommys there either.

CoolStoryBro · 08/07/2013 14:47

I also have a Thomas and he's always gone as Tom or Tom-Tom. Tbh, I wish I'd just gone for Tom in the first place as he's very much more of a Tom than a Thomas.

Fayrazzled · 08/07/2013 14:43

I have a Thomas who has always been known as Tom and is called such by everyone including friends and teachers. Never Tommy.

YummyYummyYum · 08/07/2013 14:30

I know one Thomas, called Thom by his parents. No Tommy.

TheWoollybacksWife · 08/07/2013 14:20

I am laid back about names and don't care if the names I have chosen are top 10 or unique. I don't care if the letters spell something (unless it's rude) and i don't care about nicknames BUT I hate it when people try to call my son Tommy. He is 6 and is called Thomas or Tom and even Tom-Tom on occasion. "Tommy" will earn you the death stare. Grin Thomas is a lovely name - it must be as my usually opinionated mother had nothing to say when we told her his name. Our choices for our other children had her ringing up at all times of the day to ask if we had thought about calling our baby X or Y. Either she approved of Thomas or she had finally got the message.


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notso · 08/07/2013 14:18

I know three boys named Thomas and two Tomos (welsh).
One is only ever Tomos, his Mum dislikes Tom/Tommy and he will correct you if you call him those, he is 9.
Three are called Tom/Thom by their parents.
One is only ever called Tommy

LimitedEditionLady · 08/07/2013 14:04

Just dont call him Tommy.My sons names can be shortened to a name that is a name other kids have as their full name but if anyone calls him that i just say no its @$@!##$@ and my son corrects people.Two weeks is a loooooong time.

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