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Would these 'Nr American' names sound ridiculous for a child living in England?

59 replies

jayisagirlsnametoo · 01/07/2013 17:10

I spent several years working in Canada and two names cropped up several times, names of professional, classy, intelligent, confident women. With such positive associations, I fell in love with these names.

However, I always felt they just would not work in England. But i love them. I know people are often encouraged to go with the names they love. . .but I'm not sure on these ones. Before I worked in Canada, I always thought one of them was 'chavvy' (sorry) but I don't think like that at all now.

Anyway, the names I love are Randy and Whitney.

What do you think? Do you know any Randys or Whitneys?

Thanks :)

OP posts:
wizzler · 12/07/2013 23:22

No to both .. Just no

brokenhearted55 · 12/07/2013 20:56

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Pyrrah · 11/07/2013 12:08

Randolph for a boy is fine - Randy for a girl is just cruel.

Whitney - just makes me think of Eastenders. Classy does not enter my mind.

I think one of the worst I heard was an American who named her child 'Burke' and was not very pleased when I told her that if they came to the UK, people would endlessly laugh at that name. Burke means something a lot ruder than most people realise.

CheeseFondueRocks · 11/07/2013 12:00

It's Baumgardner, not bum! It's German and means tree gardener. Not sure what's funny about that.

I think even Whitney has very aehem, not so positive connotations in the UK tbh.

AKissIsNotAContract · 10/07/2013 23:26

Isn't there a Randy Bumgardener who works in the senate? Best name Ever.

Diddle82 · 10/07/2013 23:22

Absolutely NO to both

Zynnia · 09/07/2013 23:35

Even on a dog,I'd say Randy is a bit much.

Noggie · 09/07/2013 19:51

No to randy - you are setting yourself up for day in day out sniggering at the poor girl.

fanjodisfunction · 08/07/2013 22:08

I only know one Randy it was short for Randolph and was a male. He was a true hippy, with the surfer accent.

You would get raised eyebrows if you named your child either

Zynnia · 08/07/2013 21:31

what about Wendy? is that a bit like Randy, but safer

Zynnia · 08/07/2013 21:28

omg, Randy would be cruel.

That goes beyond a taste issue. I think the registrar might ask you if you were aware of its meaning if you were registering the child in the UK. it's that bad.

Whitney not my cup of tea, but I like Shelby which has a similar vibe.

Onesleeptillwembley · 07/07/2013 21:48

Puts me in mind of thevAmerican yearbook (?) that was online, and contained a Ginger Minge! Can you imagine if she came over here, poor thing.

AuntieStella · 07/07/2013 18:52

Which puts me in mid of the wonderful author Neil Gaiman

CommanderShepard · 07/07/2013 18:43

Years ago Novell decided to use one of their employees in an international recruitment drive - I think - either way, the campaign was met with hilarity in the UK since the gentleman in question was...

Randy Bender.

I am not joking.

edam · 07/07/2013 18:40

And don't call a pet Randy, either - can you imagine the looks if you have to call them in? Standing on your doorstep shouting 'Randy! Din dins!' Grin

edam · 07/07/2013 18:39

I hope you are joking about Randy. Blimey!

scottishmummy · 07/07/2013 18:36

Oh god don't inflict randy on anyone,years of teasing
Whitney,I think of the deceased warbler or eastenders

brokenhearted55 · 07/07/2013 17:34

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ClaraOswald · 06/07/2013 00:09

Randy. Oh dear. Just no

Whitney. All I can hear is Eastenders. Again, another no from me,

TolliverGroat · 05/07/2013 23:54

Randy in the UK - no. Nononononononono. Just no.

Whitney would sound a little odd on a British child, but it's not catastrophic. Randy would be.

squoosh · 05/07/2013 23:51

Grin Grin Grin at Truly Randy, hope the follow up album was Totes Horny.

ananikifo · 05/07/2013 23:48

I don't even like them as a Canadian, although I don't hate them as much as others on this thread.


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celestialsquirrels · 05/07/2013 23:48

The famous female 70s singer Randy Crawford released an album of greatest hits in the late 80s. She called it "Truly Randy".

It still makes me guffaw all these years later.
Just don't.

squoosh · 05/07/2013 23:44

Hmmmmm, let me think.

Whitney is pretty awful. Now let's move on to Randy ..................


Sunnysummer · 05/07/2013 23:35

Randy not as any name at all...

Whitney is much more known as a name, though I agree that for some people in the UK and in the US the immediate associations may not quite so classy and sophisticated as experienced in Canada - but if you do go with it, I'm sure she'll soon make her own impression in any case, and the stereotype doesn't have to matter!

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