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Josie or Josephine

23 replies

wombatcheese · 18/06/2013 08:13

DH and I are keen on Josie or Josephine for our DD3. She would be called Josie, however we cannot decide if she should officially be Josephine or just Josie. Josephine would give her more options, or would it just be a hassle and confusion at school registers etc? Is Josie short for anything else? Your wisdom and views, please!

OP posts:
gintastic · 29/06/2013 13:16

This is not my name, but my full legal name is a short version of a common girls name. I am always getting asked what it's short for (as there are several variations on the long version). I've had several people refuse to believe that my full legal name is just the short version, up to and including shouty fights about it. I think I know what my birth certificate says, thank you very much! The short version can also be used by boys or girls, so I did turn up for a job interview once to find out that they thought I was a bloke... I still got the job :-)

Go with the long version. It's a beautiful name as well :-)

Alisvolatpropiis · 29/06/2013 13:04

Josephine nn Josie definitely.

perplexedpirate · 29/06/2013 11:39

Josephine, def.
Like Josephine March.

jenniferturkington · 29/06/2013 10:38

I have a josephine. We had intended on using Josie but we have ended up using the full name most of the time.
She is eight months old and we have had so many positive comments about her name Smile

formicadinosaur · 29/06/2013 06:35

But Josephine is the best

formicadinosaur · 29/06/2013 06:35

Josie is lovely

Maud2011 · 29/06/2013 00:05


It's my name and I love it, but years ago I preferred to be known as Josie. Now I'm usually Josephine or Phine: that started when my young niece and nephew couldn't pronounce the whole of Josephine, and I'm grateful to them for the unusual new diminutive.

NappiesandGladrags · 18/06/2013 23:23

Josephine, Josephine, Josephine!!

DD (9) is Georgia and has asked a few times why she wasn't named Georgina... :/ and I wonder that too now :D xx

bugsybill · 18/06/2013 22:22

How long would her whole name be? Josephine is very long and if it is coupled with a lengthy middle name and surname I would go with josie.

Actually I think I would go with josie anyway as it does sound like a 'proper' name in its own right.

GingerCurry · 18/06/2013 16:50

Go for Josephine.
She may choose the NN JoJo herself in years to come ( which I much prefer to Josie )
Gives her more options

KnittedWaffle · 18/06/2013 16:29

Josephine - it's a beautiful, strong name (my mum's)

Thurlow · 18/06/2013 16:23

Go for the long name. DD has a long name but is never called that - the long name is there for when she is older. You can just call her Josie from the word go. Beautiful name btw!

CPtart · 18/06/2013 16:14


LittleBearPad · 18/06/2013 16:05

Josephine. It's a lovely name and gives her options later.

lowercase · 18/06/2013 16:04

Josephine is a beautiful name, strong, classic and pretty.
Josie as NN.

sleepingbeautiful · 18/06/2013 13:30

With a few exceptions I'm not keen on names that can be a short form of something else. BUT I think Josie is one of those exceptions. It is a perfectly fine name in it's own right, and I know a 35 and a 20-something Josies who are just Josie.

wombatcheese · 18/06/2013 13:06

thanks for your comments, they have made me more keen on the name.

OP posts:
Elquota · 18/06/2013 12:10

I'd go for Josephine, with Josie as nickname.

glorious · 18/06/2013 11:37

I should have say they're both lovely though Smile I don't think you can go too far wrong. And congratulations on your forthcoming DD.

wombatcheese · 18/06/2013 09:26

Thanks for your replies.
Glorious- that is a good point I hadn't thought of. Your right, a Josie would always be asked what it is short for, regardless of weather it is a name in it's own right or not.

OP posts:
PrammyMammy · 18/06/2013 09:18

Our dd is Josie so I vote for that

BackforGood · 18/06/2013 09:04

I love both those names. Personally I think I'd go for Josephine, as it just gives another option, but I still like 'Josie' on it's own, too.


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glorious · 18/06/2013 08:55

I'd go for Josephine, it was on our list for DD and we'd have called her Josie or Jo day to day. I have a name which, while a name in its own right, is often short for something and being asked what it's short for drives me mad!

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