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Help pick a name my daughter!!! Grrrrr.....

38 replies

Babel1111 · 16/06/2013 09:58

She is due in Oct and i can't decide :( it's my first baby and I didn't realise naming her would be so difficult. So far I have;


I've been playing with middle names too and at the moment have;

Heidi Kate
Fleur Autumn (OH favourite and has been since day 1)
Evie Fawn
Sadie Rose

I'm stuck! Which is your favourite? Opinions would be much appreciated!!

OP posts:
MummyPig24 · 16/06/2013 21:41

Frankie or Sadie. Great names, very cool!

Vijac · 16/06/2013 21:48

Heidi. It's our fave girls name (got a boy). I like all the others too. Only Sadie feels too American to me. I think it's because I once learnt an American folk song that went -Sadie, Sadie, etc etc in junior school!

Babel1111 · 17/06/2013 19:12

But fleur isn't easily pronounced... We live in the northeast and the accent is a bit funny; they say 'work' like 'where' with a k on the end. So fleur would become flare! Or worse, flewer which is the only reason why I haven't picked fleur already arghhhh. Also OH is being selfish by only suggesting fleur rather than giving me a couple of suggestions. He says he doesn't like a single other name!

OP posts:
Babel1111 · 17/06/2013 19:13

Also I missed out the word 'for' when naming this thread, and this makes me sad :(

OP posts:
MoonHare · 17/06/2013 22:30

Heidi - love it
Fleur - I know you don't want strong particularly but I think Fleur is weak, plus your point about the local accent (and I know the one you mean) is spot on, flare will not sound nice when shouted across the playground
Evie - Again weak and sooooo many, she will always be Evie 'last name initial'
Amber - Bit naff
Frankie - ditto
Sadie - ditto

Like Kate too - how about that as a first name?

There's plenty of time for DH to broaden his horizons name-wise, plus chances are he will willingly agree to whatever you suggest after you have just given birth.

JamieandtheMagicTorch · 17/06/2013 22:37

Heidi - like
Fleur - not a nice-sounding name to my ears - a bit like "er"
Evie - a nickname, prefer Elvie
Amber - OK
Frankie - nice, if short for Francesca
Sadie - it sounds quite "hard", and a bit like sadist

What about:


bugsybill · 18/06/2013 00:00

Tell dh Fleur is off the list, don't settle on a name you don't like and if its his favourite and he thinks you sort of like it too, he won't be open to alternatives and he'll keep trying to convince you. Tell him you have considered it and you don't want to consider it anymore.

Does he know why he likes it? Is it the flower association? The one syllable? The very soft sound? The letter f? French? Get him to work out why he likes it.

Babel1111 · 18/06/2013 00:03

Hmm so my little helpers are definitely feeling Heidi then! It's my parents' favourite so they'll be happy :p I do love Kate as a first name but OH massively vetoed it :( I thought it was rather timeless but he thinks its boring. His parents are really into in different names, like Storm and Luna. A bit too way out for me! Thanks for all your help guys x

OP posts:
Babel1111 · 18/06/2013 08:11

Very good advice bugsy thank you!

OP posts:
strawberryswing · 18/06/2013 14:57

I love Heidi. Really wanted this but dp said no.

Evie and Frankie I love as nicknames, especially frankie for francesca. Another beautiful name.

Amber and Sadie aren't to my taste but they're perfectly fine names. I irrationally dislike Fleur, its dreadful. Sorry Blush

hurricanemum · 07/07/2013 21:38

Heidi and Sadie without a doubt!

RemusLupinsBiggestGroupie · 07/07/2013 21:41


RemusLupinsBiggestGroupie · 07/07/2013 21:41

Don't like Sadie and hate Frankie, sorry.

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