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Alan - ?? off the wall or retro and will seem cool?

81 replies

NeverKnowinglyUnderstood · 09/06/2013 00:09


OP posts:
QOD · 09/06/2013 15:08

Alan is old and bland and 40 yr old bloke BUT 1 000000 times better than Archie, Alfie, Noah, Stanley, Norman etc

Zipitydooda · 09/06/2013 16:03

My son has a friend called Alain which is pronounced v similar but Al-an rather than Al-un. It is nicer and less dull a name.

mewkins · 10/06/2013 21:10

I would live to introduce a baby as Alan! In similar category to Kevin, Paul and Steve. Good solid 70S/80S names!

Beamur · 10/06/2013 21:12

Alan is just hideous and will take at least another generation before it can return.

AlanMoore · 10/06/2013 21:20

I like it :)

Also like Francis (was on my list for DS), David, Paul, John, Anthony etc.

They will rise again, we'll be grandmas to baby Bernards and Pamelas and our kids will have grandchildren called Darren and Louise.

AlanMoore · 10/06/2013 21:20

I like it :)

Also like Francis (was on my list for DS), David, Paul, John, Anthony etc.

They will rise again, we'll be grandmas to baby Bernards and Pamelas and our kids will have grandchildren called Darren and Louise.

Lyftiduft · 11/06/2013 20:11

to me it's one of the granny age names, as my grandad was Allan, b. 1922 (he'd be 91). I quite like it, DS is Alex though.

I also quite like Bernard- but couldn't use it as surname starts with D - and Ian is on the list for DC2...

AllegraLilac · 11/06/2013 20:17

My dear Grandad. Would like to use for future DS. Middle name probably.

sonlypuppyfat · 11/06/2013 21:32

I know an Alyn who is an older man but it just seems nicer than Alan

pinkpudding · 11/06/2013 21:55

my dh is Alan. he did not want any of our children to have his name. hth

superbadspeller · 11/06/2013 22:01

My grandad was an allan. never met him so no idea what he was like. My favourite ever cousin is allan and i love him like a baby brother - my ds middle name is allan after him. I like it as a first but my aunt would get far too giddy over my using 'her' name Hmm not in a bad way just constant showing off yuk.

I also like stuart though and according to MN on occasion that is the most awful name ever.

Avalicious1980 · 12/06/2013 13:08

About five years ago I bumped into an ex student with her baby boy. I asked her his name and she said "Alan". I replied "Adam" thinking I'd misheard her. The baby was actually called Alan. I felt awful because I was shocked to hear my husband's name on a baby.

EuphemiaLennox · 12/06/2013 19:17

If you are an achingly cool hipster yiu could probably get away with it. People would assume it's the new wave retro and you're ahead of the curve.

Which is probably true but yiud probably be 20yrs ahead of the curve then 100s of little Alans and Dereks will be turning up. Bit like being a 30 yr old Grace or Ruby now.

twitchypalm · 12/06/2013 20:28

how do people feel about it being spelt alun the welsh way?

lottiegarbanzo · 12/06/2013 20:34

Alun is much better, oddly.

EuphemiaLennox · 12/06/2013 22:27

Alun is good if you say it with a Welsh accent.

Can't guarantee everyone will though.

Sidge · 12/06/2013 22:33

I can't hear Alan without thinking of this now...
invicta · 12/06/2013 22:37

If you like it, use it. It doesn't really matter what other people think.

I like it.

peanutsandwich · 12/06/2013 22:55

Dull and dated.

sleepingbeautiful · 13/06/2013 07:16

Makes me think of Alan-a-dale in Robin Hood as well as Alan Partridge.

I'd not be in a rush to choose it, but it's better than Ptolemy and Edgar.

twitchypalm · 13/06/2013 07:56

I know of an Alun but he get called ali he suits it though

Oblongata · 13/06/2013 08:15

The only Alan I've known was a classic charming psychopath with proper delusions.
Therefore you should not name your baby Alan. Grin

(Other than that, it's an ok name, just a bit boring. Alain de Botton seems to do ok, maybe that extra 'i' is worth it.)


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hippoesque · 13/06/2013 11:32

Will struggle in any group gathering e.g festivals. We can all thank that creature comfort(??) thing on BBC for that one.

GwendolineMaryLacey · 13/06/2013 11:35

If I'd had a boy then Alan would have been in there somewhere. I really like it. But then, it's my dad's name and he's very cool.

KittenofDoom · 13/06/2013 11:50

I'm in my 50s and have known loads of Alans and NEVER ONCE has the anagram 'anal' cropped up. You can find something horrible to say about any name if you try really hard.

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