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30 replies

Madamecastafiore · 22/05/2013 06:29

Cool or dogs name?

Is it better than Milo or Theodore (nn Teddy - dh's choice).

Mind you DS has a dogs name so won't make much of a difference.

This is on the back of me asking DS about the name daisy and him asking if I am going to give birth to a cow!!

OP posts:
GetOrfMoiLand · 22/05/2013 20:37

I would love a little re haired baby boy to call Rufus. It is a lovely name. I like Reuben as well.

voucherprocon · 22/05/2013 20:35

Rufus = Dog
Theodore is a good name but I hate the current trend for the nn Teddy, Theo is much nicer.

Decoy · 22/05/2013 19:18

Rufus is great.

I like Milo and Theodore but not Teddy.

pygmy · 22/05/2013 18:59

All three are lovely. Order of preference would be Milo, Rufus then Theodore.

Bowlersarm · 22/05/2013 18:57

Now you need twin girls OP. I love both Florence, although a bit popular, and Nancy, which isn't.

sleepingbeautiful · 22/05/2013 17:45

Rufus is great. My Mum did the dog name thing when I suggested it (that was the point I stopped sharing names with her haha), then their neighbours used it.
She still makes dogs name comments about it, despite me pointing out we know both dogs and kids called Max, Ben, Oscar, Lucy and Emma!
I like Theodore better than Milo. What about if nn was just 'Ted' not Teddy?
Florence beats Nancy for me. I like the nicknames Florrie and Floss :)

Madamecastafiore · 22/05/2013 16:43

Thanks guys.

Now to convince DH. He came up with Rufus in the first place because said Reuben was too Jewish????

Now have gone off Reuben as popular and he home off Rufus!!!

I think I could stand Milo but not Teddy though.

There may be a DC4 if DH has his way so can always have one in reserve.

Girls names are even bloody harder! DH likes Florence, I like Nancy!

OP posts:
diddl · 22/05/2013 15:58

Love both Rufus & Milo.

Like Theo but not Teddy.

AlanMoore · 22/05/2013 15:55

Bill and Ted 3? OP can you have twins and call them Rufus and Theodore thereby paying homage to B&T and pleasing your Theodore loving DH?

Succoria · 22/05/2013 15:54

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CheeseStrawWars · 22/05/2013 15:50

In Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventures the guy from the future was called Rufus. Bill & Ted 3 is in development and will feature Rufus. It may be out in a couple of years? He's cool though.

But the last word in Rufus is surely Rufus Sewell?

AlanMoore · 22/05/2013 15:42

Milo is a cat not a dog!

Rufus is both :) if you like it use it! If you think about it dogs were all called Ben and Sam when we were kids. But now they are firmly people names again. So it will be with Rufus/Oscar/Jasper etc.

Bowlersarm · 22/05/2013 15:25

Love Rufus.

Also love Theodore nn Teddy too.

Shame you aren't having twins!

Dogs name DS here too.

5madthings · 22/05/2013 15:24

My Oscar is Oscar Reuben! Very similar name taste so I am sure whatever you choose will be fabulous Grin

5madthings · 22/05/2013 15:22

Oh we have an Oscar as well which is apparently a cat/dog name...

5madthings · 22/05/2013 15:22

Love Rufus it was on our list for ds4, we used rudi in the end.

We have a Theodore as well :)

And I has Milo on my list but dp said no because of the tweenies Hmm

DebsMorgan · 22/05/2013 15:15

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DonkeysDontRideBicycles · 22/05/2013 15:12

Rufus is great, going by MN I'd say less prolific than Milo or Theodore,(never heard it used as a dog's name).

derektheladyhamster · 22/05/2013 15:05

I love Rufus, but one of my ds's has a dog's name. So maybe I'm not the best person to advise!

Lizzy1975 · 22/05/2013 15:04

How strange - we were going to have Rufus or Theo but when he got here he looked like a Milo. All lovely names!

ItsallisnowaFeegle · 22/05/2013 10:34

Rufus is a very cool name! Grin

Northumberlandlass · 22/05/2013 10:33

I know a grown man called Rufus! Roo. He is very cool.


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notso · 22/05/2013 10:32

I know a lovely little boy named Rufus, so it doesn't seem doggy to me.

I really like Theodore/Theo/Teddy.

I did like Milo but every family in Ideal Home seems to have one!

Eskino · 22/05/2013 10:19

I have a Rufus and he's definitely a boy not a dog!

He gets called Roo Smile

poppydaisy · 22/05/2013 10:16

Rufus is used as a dogs name but why can't humans use it as well? I like it. Also like Reuben or how about Quentin or Tristan which have a similar feel?

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