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Isaac, Zachary, Bonnie, Jamie...?

32 replies

Futterby · 21/05/2013 23:20

Can't for the life of me decide on a name for my lo (who's due in November so PLENTY of time but still), what are your opinions on:

Isaac Little
Zachary Little

Jamie Little
Bonnie Little

I'm just so excited I can't quite hold it in Grin

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mrsXsweet · 23/05/2013 07:31

I love your boys names- we have an Isaac and I love saying it and think the meaning is gorgeous.
I am also less keen on your girl names. I think of the following as 'strong' girls names: Erin, Esther, Rachael, Honor, Ruth.
My husband (I have just asked him) thinks the classic names are strong names e.g. Catherine, Hannah, Elizabeth, Laura. I kind of agree with him, although a lot of them can be shortened to 'cutesy' names!

Futterby · 23/05/2013 01:00

Love all the opinions, thanks everyone :) I know how you feel kneedeep :p

OP posts:
Kneedeepinshittynappies · 22/05/2013 21:41

Could weep! Grin promise there is nowt cutesy about me!

Weegiemum · 22/05/2013 18:53

Like the boys names.

I'm also in Scotland. Options for girls maybe? - Rhona /Rona, Morna, Iona, Mhairi, Fiona, Kirsty/Kirsteen, Eilidh.

yellowbutton2 · 22/05/2013 18:28

Love your boys names don't like Jamie for a girl but love jamie/James for a boy .

Wishiwasanheiress · 22/05/2013 17:54

Love boys names op.

Love bonnie. Bit meh about Jamie. Sorry.

sleepingbeautiful · 22/05/2013 17:50

Fair enough Flutterby. You posted to get opinions, and now you know 'some' people will see those particular names as cutesy. If it's only what you you see as strong that matters, then who gives a flying falooly about other peoples opinions :)

Futterby · 22/05/2013 17:36

Not from where I'm from it's not! And I see Jamie as a strong name. Mary, not so much. Mary makes me think of an eighty year old and Flora means flowers... The other ones I just really dislike.

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sleepingbeautiful · 22/05/2013 17:31

Flutterby in that case I don't see Bonnie or Jamie as a strong name... They both have 'ie' endings, which are automatically cutesy. Bonnie means pretty, and Jamie is usually an affectionate nickname for a young James (my DH being one of them).
Flora to me is a strong name because my rather formidable Scottish grandmother bears it, and Mary due to it's Queenly connections.
I'd say Rhona, Judith and Kirsten are all strong. Bonnie is fluffy.

CPtart · 22/05/2013 16:48

Love your boys names, were also on our short list (went for Adam and Luke)
Don't like your girls names at all.

Futterby · 22/05/2013 16:46

And sleepingbeautiful, I really want a strong name :p

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Futterby · 22/05/2013 16:45

Love that spelling :O

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Kneedeepinshittynappies · 22/05/2013 10:48

Trying not to read all of the above as my name is jaimie! Well that's me outed! I've only ever had lovely compliments on my name although as a dale you will know the minor troubles that come with having what is seen as a "boys" name.

Thisvehicleisreversing · 22/05/2013 10:18

Love Zachary! I have a Zachary but always shortened to Zach. Not so keen on Isaac.

Bonnie is nice too for a girl. :)

sleepingbeautiful · 22/05/2013 03:09

I really like your boy choices, not so keen on the girl ones. Bonnie Little sounds like an unfinished sentence "Bonnie little girl/horse/puppy/cat..", also I have cousin Bonnie and she is not bonnie, so I don't think it's an easy name to wear.
Jamie sounds like it should be a nickname for something, as it's primarily a boy's name. Jessamine, Jeannine, Jacqueline??
What about Mary, Mara, Flora?

Futterby · 22/05/2013 01:00

Isla was on the shortlist Grin

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Lighthousekeeping · 22/05/2013 00:50

I like Isla and Nel too

Futterby · 22/05/2013 00:41

Edie is the name of someone in a telly programme I hate D: I'm so picky! I like Jamie for a boy too :)

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Lighthousekeeping · 22/05/2013 00:39

I love Bonnie. Not too keen on Jamie for a girl but love it for a boy. I really like Edie. That's what my Scottish aunt is called.

Futterby · 22/05/2013 00:37

Love all those names :O you have such lovely taste Grin especially love Merryn and Theo :B

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5madthings · 22/05/2013 00:31

I explained that i didnt likd the name due to a bad experience with a boy of that name who wouldnt take 'no' for an answer but she didnt get it and said if we used the name it would become a name i loved... Err no really the name of the boy that raped me is never going to be a name i love. I did have a momemt at toddler group wherr a mum introduced her new baby boy and of course we were all what is his name... Yep patrick, i just had to say something nice about it as obviously its my issue but i will never like the name.

I love genevieve but not pronounced the french way and it would get shortened to jen or jenny and i dont like that name. I would shorten it to vi vi if anything.

My dd is merryn and i have theo, oscar, dylan and rudi :)

Futterby · 22/05/2013 00:13

I'll point out that I didn't tell anyone about the assault so she doesn't know but she could take no for an answer Hmm

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Futterby · 22/05/2013 00:11

I had the same experience, my gran repeatedly suggested forcefully that I call my baby Ryan - the name of the guy who assaulted me when I was 14. No offence to Ryans but the name just makes my skin crawl. I love Genevieve!

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5madthings · 22/05/2013 00:06

HA ha my mil wanted us to use the name Johnathon, my uncle is a Johnathon and I have three cousins called Johnathon so I wouldn't use it, apparently I was being silly and should use it anyway.

We also liked Genevieve but annoying relative insisted on pronouncing it the French way so we diudnt use that.

Still my mil worst suggestion was that I use the name Patrick...which just happens to be the name of a the person who sexually assaulted me as a teenager, again that was a silly reason not to use a name.... Basically mil doesn't like any of the names we chose!

Futterby · 21/05/2013 23:58

I know what you mean about annoying relatives Hmm my cousin keeps going on and on and on about calling it Jonathan or Logan (his first and middle name) and just won't take no for an answer Hmm he just doesn't seem to understand that I'm not naming it after anyone in my family.

That is funny :) there's quite a divided opinion on it. Same with me though, my name is Dale and a lot of people don't like it since it's mainly a boys name. At least people don't forget me ;)

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