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Brought to your by the letter C...Cassia, Cecily and Corin?

28 replies

Laquila · 18/05/2013 21:19

Evening all, my husband and I are working through a (fairly terrible) baby name book at the mo and did the Cs in a long car journey today...can you please let me have you first thoughts on the three above?

Cassia I'n not really sure about, but my husband and I agree on so few girl's names that I have to grasp anything I can with both hands at the moment!

I've always liked Cecile, but am starting to think Cecily is better with our surname. Is it a bit prissy, though?

I'd always thought Corin was unisex but thinking about it, I can only think of Corin Redgrave and a boy called Corin from my home village. I still really like it for a girl, though.

OP posts:
thegreylady · 19/05/2013 17:15


minipie · 19/05/2013 18:32

Love, love Corin and Cecily. Great names. Cassia is ok.

Corin is a boy to me. I like Corinne or Carine as the girl version but yes I would pronounce these as Cor-een.

LlamateurDramatics · 20/05/2013 21:30

Corin is the name I'll never be allowed to use, I love it and really wanted to call DS Corin but DH said it sounded too much like Colin which he doesn't like Sad. Cecily's a beautiful name too.

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