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Does it sound too 'boyish'?

33 replies

NTMummy059 · 28/04/2013 19:20

Me and my partner are having a girl and firstly agreed on Sophie.. He then decided he doesn't like it..
We then chose Mia which I really like but now he's not too sure!
So he has suggested Robin/Robyn and really likes it but although I do like the name I'm wondering if it goes with the surname Harvey? Does it sound too much like a boy's name or am I looking too much into it?! Thank you!

OP posts:
AttentionToDetail · 29/04/2013 18:59

I have a 5 month DD Robyn!
I always loved it for a girl but not a boy for some reason!
Some people do think she is a boy when I tell them her name but I am still really happy with our choice!

fussychica · 29/04/2013 18:49

I like it.
If you don't has your DP any other suggestions as he's vetoed all your alternatives?

OrangeFootedScrubfowl · 29/04/2013 17:12

I think it has to be Robyn for a girl for me. I quite like it.

DonkeysDontRideBicycles · 29/04/2013 16:55

Call me slow, hadn't thought of a shortened version being Robbie. That definitely sounds masculine.

JojoMags · 29/04/2013 16:29

Ilike it a lot. And Robbie is a cool nn.

Catlike · 29/04/2013 15:22

I think it's lovely and quite refreshing compared with all the fashionable cutesy and girly names (agree with your DP about them Grin)

KittenofDoom · 29/04/2013 13:44

Thinking about it some more, the traditional feminine version of Robin is Robina (Ro-BEE-na). There was a Robina in my year at school, but it's never been very common. Perhaps this is why I'm so resistant to the idea of Robyn as a girl's name.

TenthMuse · 29/04/2013 12:34

I like Robyn and prefer it to either Mia or Sophie. Not too boyish imo. I know two girl Robyns (both spelt this way) who are about four and ten.

KittenofDoom · 29/04/2013 11:30

It's always been a boy's name to me, although a bit of a twee one. I prefer Robert, a much stronger name for a man.

I also dislike names where the 'i' has been replaced with a 'y' and cannot see how this feminises a name. I knew someone who called her son Gavyn, for instance. She was the kind of person who puts a little circle over the letter i instead of a dot.

Minty82 · 29/04/2013 10:36

I've never met a male Robin but know two female ones (adults); so to me it's primarily a girl's name. Not a massive fan personally (totally inoffensive, I just wouldn't pick it myself) but in answer to your question no, not too boyish at all.

Startail · 29/04/2013 10:33

Mud not mug

I agree Mia works really well with your surname.

Startail · 29/04/2013 10:31

Non cutsy, Robyn, Paige, Bryony, Esme, Megan, Mia I know real characters called all of these. Umpteen variations on Isabel who are characters too.

Mind you I also know a Daisy, Grace and Lily who are more likely to be covered in mug than wearing a pretty summer dress.

monica77798 · 29/04/2013 10:26

Robin/Robyn is a bit unisex but I think it is perfectly fine for a girl and not too "boyish" at all. However, I think Mia fits with your surname the best, out of the three names you gave.

DonkeysDontRideBicycles · 29/04/2013 10:22

The more I think about it, the nicer Robyn seems but thinking hat on OP, here are some non-cutesy suggestions:

Danielle (Dani)

Cravingdairy · 28/04/2013 22:37

I think either spelling is very pretty for a girl.

NTMummy059 · 28/04/2013 22:34

I agree it works as an adult too just don't want people to assume a man and her become annoyed at this..
Any other suggestions would be more than welcome Donkeys
Schmaltzing I like Sophia and Matilda but these got a "no" straight away - we cannot agree on a single name :(

OP posts:
ProphetOfDoom · 28/04/2013 21:15

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DonkeysDontRideBicycles · 28/04/2013 21:12

Robyn is great but if you aren't convinced then DP won't mind giving you the right to veto will he, after all he did. Lots of girls' names aren't 'cutesy'. Shall we make a few suggestions or will that just confuse the issue?

notso · 28/04/2013 21:04

I love Robyn, I think the "y" would make me assume it was a female.

Rhubarbgarden · 28/04/2013 21:02

Lovely name.

foxybingodotcom · 28/04/2013 20:53

Robyn is a very pretty name. I like that it also works as a womans name - sometimes I think people can be guilty of naming babies and not thinking of the adult they'll become.

everlong · 28/04/2013 20:38

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BikeRunSki · 28/04/2013 20:28

I like Robyn for a girl, and it's not too boyish, although also not girly.

I don't know any Robyns, but several (male) Robins - from 60 to 3 - who are all lovely.

PandaNot · 28/04/2013 19:39

I know a lovely little girl called Robyn and don't know any boy Robins. I think of it as a girly name now rather than even questioning it.

NTMummy059 · 28/04/2013 19:38

Thanks.. I do think its the least popular out of our choices which is nice.. Just not convinced it sounds like a girl when written down :/

ruprekt I love girly names (freya, olivia, elsie) but DP is having none of it - he doesn't like 'cutesy names' Angry ! So trying to compromise lo

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