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24 replies

suzyrut · 15/11/2012 12:33

Am only 11 weeks so jumping the gun a little but can't help it!

For a girl I really love the name Elsie but not sure it passes the "high court judge test" so we are considering Elizabeth shortened to Elsie so if she wanted to use a more grown up name later on in life she could.

What do you think?

OP posts:
VolumeOfACone · 17/11/2012 17:49

Personally I think Elsie is Ok by itself. Elizabeth is nice too though. :)

DontmindifIdo · 17/11/2012 17:45

I like it, however, a tip from a friend, if you want the nickname "Elsie" don't announce the birth of "Elizabeth" because people will call her "Liz" - announce "Elsie" to family and friends, then later on you can say "well, actually it's Elizabeth on her birth certificate" - my friend did this with the nickname 'Beth' - it's worked, she never says that her DD's name is Elizabeth unless it's an official form or she is directly asked if Beth is her full name - and she did that for similar reasons, she wanted a 'grown up' option if little Beth ends up being one of those "masters of the universe" city types.

raf0911 · 17/11/2012 14:57

I love the name Elizabeth its strong, traditional and pretty in my opinion. There are so many shortened nickname choices for Elizabeth which often puts people off choosing it. I think its good that you choose the nickname you like the most as i dont know any Elizabeths that use the full name they re all now Liz and Lizzies and if you start by using the name Elsie then she will always be Elsie but i like your thinking with the full name.

ScarlettOoHara · 15/11/2012 23:57

Elizabeth shortened to Beth is my fave

Alisvolatpropiis · 15/11/2012 23:48

I would choose a longer name personally,like Elizabeth and use Elsie as a nickname. But that's just because I'm not a fan of "nickname" names.

I like Elsa...have no idea who Elsa the Lion is. Doubt you daughters friends growing up would either!

Thing with Elizabeth is that people often default to Lizzie as a nickname. But then,if she grows up being nicknamed Elsie then that is what people will call her. Well,except the rude/dense ones,they'll just use any name they feel like hate people like that

Rhubarbgarden · 15/11/2012 23:29

I know an Elspeth who is shortened to Elsie. I think it's very sweet and far less staid than Elizabeth.

MoelFammau · 15/11/2012 15:44

What is it with bloody High Court Judges?

Cherie Blair, Condoleeza Rice... hardly names you'd expect to go places, but hey, maybe the name means sweet eff all and it's talent and determination that gets you there?

Had a quick Wiki for High Court Judges names and we have quite a nice collection:

Launcelot, Lucy, Linda... and rather too many Nigels. So maybe if you genuinely want a High Court Judge you should plump for Nigel.

Toptack · 15/11/2012 15:10

Elsa makes me think of that lion too, but your DDs peers won't know that! We have a Kit (full name Christopher) - DHs friends all mentioned Knightrider to begin with...

Viviennemary · 15/11/2012 15:02

I like Elsie. I also like Elsa. There is nothing wrong with Elizabeth either. I think it's a great name and good for shortenings.

Ephiny · 15/11/2012 14:56

I would go for Elsa or Elspeth as Elsie is a more obvious nickname for them than it is for Elizabeth.

suzyrut · 15/11/2012 14:52

Thanks loads ladies you've certainly given me plenty to consider. Not sure about Elsa wasn't that the name of the lion from born free (am I showing my age?!?!)

april so far name for a boy is looking like Benedict, dp wants William but a closeish friend has 2 year old William so it will prob be Benedict

OP posts:
Greensleeves · 15/11/2012 14:34

I reckon you could shorten other names to Elsie - Elise or Eloise? Eliza?

wifey6 · 15/11/2012 14:28

Elsie is a very pretty name..,as is Elizabeth. Lovely choice OP Smile

BonaDea · 15/11/2012 14:26

I love it. Elizabeth is high on my list and you've now given me another idea for a shortening. I had Lizzy (think pride & prejudice) and Libby on my list!

the wave - there's really no need to be rude about someone's choice. Some people just prefer names that have stood and will continue to stand the test of time. Classic, elegant and not made up. So shoot us Grin

sparkle12mar08 · 15/11/2012 14:20

If you really love it then have the courage of your convictions and use it. But personally I think it's horrible. I'd like to second the person suggesting Elsa upthread, now that is a beautiful, strong name for a girl and flies through the High Court judge test.

B1ueberryMuff1n · 15/11/2012 12:42

I'd bother yes. but plenty will say no don't it's stupid just call her blah if you want to call her blah. but i like the idea of having a longer traditional fashion-proof name.

StellaNova · 15/11/2012 12:42

I think Elsie is fine for a high court judge or anyone really. I don't think it needs to be short for anything, and usually I am a fan of the longer version.

TheWave · 15/11/2012 12:40

MN always say Elizabeth, Catherine etc so versatile. Fine if you like it, but kind of boring.

I like Elsie, but perhaps short of Elspeth? Not my fave but more interesting than Elizabeth...Yawn.

WitchesTit · 15/11/2012 12:40

I always thought Elsa was a supremely classy name, then you could still call her Elsie.

I'm liking Edgar for a boy. Eddie and Ed are both cool nn's.


Popumpkin · 15/11/2012 12:40

My grandma was an Elsie. She was one of only a very few women to go to university, earn a degree and have a proper career in her day. She would be 102 if she were still alive today.

I'd say Elsie passes the "High Court Judge test" Smile. It certainly never held my grandmother back!

I know Elizabeth is very popular on MN, but it's always been a bit meh IMHO Blush.

Cezella · 15/11/2012 12:38

Personally I wouldn't, if you intend to call her Elsie I'd just call her Elsie (very pretty name by the way)

aprilrain · 15/11/2012 12:38

I think it's a good idea. But you'll probably change your mind 100 times between now and the birth.

Any thoughts for a boy?


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Fairyloo · 15/11/2012 12:36

I love it.

Elizabeth is so versatile, Betty, Elsie, ect

Elsie is gorgeous

suzyrut · 15/11/2012 12:35

sorry title was supposed to read...would you bother with the long version!

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