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Catherine or Katherine?

91 replies

noblegiraffe · 16/10/2012 19:45

Which spelling do you prefer?

Also, could you call a girl Catherine and still shorten it to Katie or would that be weird?

OP posts:
hellhasnofurylikeahungrywoman · 16/10/2012 23:49

Cathryn shortened to Cathy.

1944girl · 16/10/2012 23:50

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BananaPhone · 16/10/2012 23:51

Also, Kat (the coolest NN going for this name imo) works way better with Katherine than Cat for Catherine.

HappyTurquoise · 16/10/2012 23:52


(college name)

LonelyCloud · 16/10/2012 23:55

I like it with a K.

sashh · 17/10/2012 03:04

Catherine can be shortened to Cath, Cathy or Cate/Catie, but not Kate/Katie.

What about Kate Middleton?

Katharine - from katharis, greek for pure.

That's one meaning, the other is trouble.


Please don't

ThingsthatgoSgreekinthenight · 17/10/2012 05:26

I too am a Kathryn known as Kate. I also knew a Caroline shortened to Kate.

BikeRunSki · 17/10/2012 06:39

I like Kathryn best!

DaddyPigsSecretAdmirer · 17/10/2012 13:09

I'm Catherine, known as Cat. I'd prefer to be known as Cate though, but nicknames stick! I'd definitely go with the 'C' spelling. As others have said, however, I'm obviously quite biased!

MrsJohnDeere · 17/10/2012 13:12

K looks nicer imho

Katiebeau · 17/10/2012 13:15

Trust me Catherine shortens to Katie just fine. Brilliant choice of name and nn. Wink

Spatsky · 17/10/2012 13:20

Kathryn is a pain as no one ever spells it correctly and they even get muddled when you spell it out to them and they try to add random letters for the hell of it.

That said I have only gone my Kate for a long time now.

messtins · 17/10/2012 20:10

Katharine - shortened to Katie, Kath or Kat.

ninjawomble · 17/10/2012 23:51

prefer Katherine - can use Kate/Katie/Kat as nn.

Catherine - Cath/Cate/Cathy as nn

i think "K" looks better if you want to use Katie/Kate as nn .

SomersetONeil · 18/10/2012 01:12

Catherine shortened to Kate is just fine. Catherine with a C is much more elegant.

Love Kate, but never been a fan of Katie.

MummytoKatie · 20/10/2012 22:43

From my username it is obvious I have a strong view on this!

I think Catherine is probably prettier but we went for Katherine as a change of initials makes life more complicated.

We went for Katherine rather than Kathryn as she is known as Katie not Katy. (Cross out letters.)

We went for Katherine rather than Katharine as it is much more common and we didn't want it to be spelt wrong all the time. (As opposed to most of the time!)

We always planned to call her Katie though. And she has been Katie since she was born.

MacAndCheese · 20/10/2012 22:50

I'd say Catherine.

I get called

Cate - people still find the spelling weird Hmm but according to this thread it's totally normal.

qumquat · 20/10/2012 22:52

Katherine or Katharine. I'm with Anne of green gables on this one.

ChristmasKate · 20/10/2012 22:53

I'm Katie but christened Kathryn, I've never even thought about the Katie Katy cross out letters thing! Smile

Since being taught how to read and write I have always said then spelt my name when talking to banks etc.

Second nature to assume people wont spell it right and without outing myself completely our family are the only ones with our spelling of our surname (one letter change)

rhetorician · 20/10/2012 22:54

Catherine, definitely. But couldn't begin to rationalize it everyone thinks it's a common enough name, but my C is the only little girl I know called by the full name. Lots of Kates and Katies too, also lovely. Is a family name, one in every generation, but I love it. Have never regretted it, despite using it about a zillion times a day (dd1 a bit stubborn/resistant!)

TheEnglishWomanInTheAttic · 20/10/2012 22:56

K absolutely - possibly because I have known several very wet and one unpleasant C C/Katherines, but it looks better with a KK IMO and Katie looks miles better with a K...

noblegiraffe · 20/10/2012 23:03

Oh no it really does seem to be a pretty even split. How on earth do you decide when it is just a matter of personal preference?

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ChristmasKate · 20/10/2012 23:05

And without wishing to offend any Kats it really does sound cheap.

I have always been Katie but never Kate and no way Kathryn, I think hope my name suits me and was recently informed in a 360 review that staff members said I am dependable, reliable,strong willed, stroppy, mum like, annoying and funny.

Grin Confused

weegiemum · 20/10/2012 23:06

I have a Katherine. She's chosen to use Kathy. I don't like Katie, but would be ok with Kate. But mostly I call her by her full name as I think it's so pretty.

weegiemum · 20/10/2012 23:10

She's 12, btw. Not many about at her age, there's only 2 in her school.

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