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25 replies

Thusnelda · 11/12/2011 12:11

What do you think of Henning as a boy's name?
A brother for Frieda. It's a fairly well-known name in Northern Germany without being too common, but what do English ears think of it?

OP posts:
swanker · 12/12/2011 00:51

Henning v nice.

yellowflowers · 12/12/2011 00:38

I like it. I think people v accepting of foreign names when it's from one of the parent's cultures

FaverollesWithBoughsOfHolly · 11/12/2011 22:29

I know a Henning. It's a lovely name but I keep calling him Herring by mistake

Thusnelda · 11/12/2011 22:28

No, but names come around again - Frieda is also the name of lots of 90 year olds.

OP posts:
cory · 11/12/2011 22:22

For me as a Swede it is a very middle-aged name, not to say elderly. Are you expecting to give birth to a 60yo?

stickyLFDTfingers · 11/12/2011 21:19

lots of people will have heard of Henning Mankell as well, since Wallander got so popular here.

Bluestocking · 11/12/2011 21:18

I like it, sounds strong. My only association would be Henning Wehn who is hilarious so all positive!

jasminetatu · 11/12/2011 21:15

also have met a couple before, from Germany and Amsterdam, I don't think it's a super unusual name.

jasminetatu · 11/12/2011 21:14

Henning is lovely :)

RemusLupinsBiggestGroupie · 11/12/2011 21:14


EldonAve · 11/12/2011 21:12

I love it

mathanxiety · 11/12/2011 20:50

Not bad.

I love Frieda. Smile

AnotherMincepie · 11/12/2011 13:20

How about Henry?

Henry is of Old German origin, and Henning is a variant of Henry.

rachel234 · 11/12/2011 13:00

I actually agree with poppy in that the whole point of naming a person is to identify him/her. So yes, I do think we should try to give our children as many different names as possibly - that way they can be identified without having to add modifiers (e.g. surname initial, big, small Jack or whatever).

And Henning is a nice, interesting and easy to pronounce name - it would be a shame if the OP got dissuaded for not using it just because it too different.

CupOfGoodCheer · 11/12/2011 12:48

"Shouldn't we be encouraging more name diversity"

No, actually I don't think we should.

A large proportion of the names I see on MN imo are trying to be different for the sake of being different. Parents seem to want to pick names which scream "we're educated in the Classics/hippies/aspirational/whatever" with no thought to the poor child Hieronymus, or Dipsy, who has to go through life saddled with the godawful name

NOT a reflection of this OP btw... Smile

AnotherMincepie · 11/12/2011 12:33

Too chickeny.

rachel234 · 11/12/2011 12:28

Lovely name and easy to pronounce in English.

Thusnelda · 11/12/2011 12:27

We live here in Britain and Daddy is English.
I like the fact that it is pronounced exactly the same in English and German and not hard to spell either. But I also thought it sounded like a verb. Chickening. We still have four months to think about it - any other suggestions are very welcome!

OP posts:
IWillNotDanceIWillNotPrance · 11/12/2011 12:25


RightUpMyRue · 11/12/2011 12:24

So do I christmascheer, it's a good, strong name, just a bit chickeny! Xmas Grin

poppydaisy · 11/12/2011 12:22

Why would it be too 'out there'? Shouldn't we be encouraging more name diversity - would make life much more interesting. Henning isn't exactly hard to pronounce for a Brit, is it?

CupOfGoodCheer · 11/12/2011 12:21

Are you German/living in Germany? If so then fine, but otherwise it's too "out there" for me...


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poppydaisy · 11/12/2011 12:19

I like Henning and know a lovely German one.

Christmascheerinateacup · 11/12/2011 12:18

Rightup, it does. But I think I like it.

RightUpMyRue · 11/12/2011 12:14

Sounds like something you do with chickens.

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