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Lydia or Tahlia?

45 replies

fyrtlemertile · 13/04/2011 17:23

What images do they conjure up? Which is nicer? :)

And how would you spell Thalia/Tahlia/Talia? All 3 seem to be accepted!

OP posts:
meditrina · 13/04/2011 20:59

FuppyGish - don't be Sad - that programme out-Kyles Jeremy. Amazing find! The discussion threads are quite .... something!

PETRONELLAS · 13/04/2011 21:53

Tali is nice (pron Tally) or Tatiana which for some reason reminds me of a combination of your two.

FuppyGish · 13/04/2011 21:56

Its brilliant isn't it?! Grin Great maternity leave viewing!

I like it pronounced TAL-ya and short for Natalie, sounds lovely.

FuppyGish · 13/04/2011 22:00

OP if you like the website, have a look at this thread more ace-ness Grin

MelinaM · 13/04/2011 22:16

Lydia for me, Thalia is a lovely name, but as Skinitting says it is popular with the teen brigade! x

fyrtlemertile · 14/04/2011 13:06

Oh, I am absolutely gutted Thalia/Tahlia is chavvy and Kylie-esque! I have adored it since I was about 14! If I had been pushed I would have said Lydia was more veering that way!

(Olivia is one of my older daughters middle names!)

OP posts:
fyrtlemertile · 14/04/2011 13:08

ps, we would pronounce it sort of 'Tar-lee-ah' but obviously not as stilted!

OP posts:
swampster · 14/04/2011 13:20

I think Thalia is a seriously posh name if you are posh enough to carry it off. It's one of those names that is only chavvy on... errr... chavs?

exoticfruits · 14/04/2011 13:39

I have never thought of Thalia as posh.

cumbria81 · 14/04/2011 14:29

I really dislike Thalia. Lydia is OK but still not my cup of tea.

swampster · 14/04/2011 14:36

Thalia is utterly classic - The muse of comedy and idyllic poetry or one of the three graces. Nothing chavvy about the Thalias I know.

madwomanintheattic · 14/04/2011 14:39

no, that's sort of what i meant - it's a fab name and deserves more but can't help but feel it's going to be the name of the moment. i know as soon as the kids read percy jackson every game suddenly involved a thalia, and i think there's one on a tv show as well? (not in uk, but think it was on another thread somewhere)

it's a beautiful name, but suspect it might be one that's suddenly popular a la kylie or shania...

but it does deserve more.

madwomanintheattic · 14/04/2011 14:46

i'm just grumpy because when i called my eldest freya no-one had ever heard of the name and told me how beautiful and unusual it was. and within a frighteningly short space of time (literally a couple of years) it was right up there in the top %, and now even spawns derogatory mn threads all of its own Grin

i love thalia. it's the sort of name i would have picked. but i bet in two years it will be top ten. which is fine if you don't mind it being a common/ of the moment name. (hell, my name might as well be sharon or tracy, it dates me so particularly). common as in 'lots of', rather than chavvy...

i still love it though. hope i'm wrong! Grin

severalyearsdowntheline · 23/04/2011 22:58

Talia pronounced Ta-lia is a very pretty and popular Israeli name, love it.

missmelo · 23/04/2011 23:01

I think Lydia sounds nicer and is more classic

vess · 23/04/2011 23:17

Thalia and Talia are of different origin actually. Thalia is the Greek muse of comedy and Talia comes from Hebrew and has a diffrent meaning.
I like Thalia better personally. DH didn't like it, so never got to use it.
Lydia is nice too, though.

hester · 23/04/2011 23:20

I had Talia and Lydia on my shortlist for dd1, but dp wouldn't have it [sob].

Both great names. Talia may suffer from being seen as over-trendy. It is actually just as classic as Lydia, just not in the UK.

BabCNesbitt · 24/04/2011 10:24

Thalia a lovely name as long as she never plans on going to Germany, where it's the name of a chain of bookstores...

Trinaluce · 24/04/2011 10:25

I love Lydia. If you use Talia spell it as Talia or she will spend her entire life saying 'no, there's an H in it....'

BigSooz · 24/04/2011 12:06

Both lovely.

Definitely Thalia.

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