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23 replies

mumatron · 20/10/2010 20:38

31 wks and no where near reaching an agreement with dp. have posted previously about his love for made up names.

so far we are kind of agreeing on

Kelsey (dp's fav)

tbh i'm not in love with any of them but this is the compromised list.

middle name will probably be natalie.

wdyt then ladies?

OP posts:
Oldjolyon · 22/10/2010 17:29

Agree with the others - Eliza is by far the best name on your list. Beautiful and classy. Amelia is okay, pretty-ish, but there are an awful lot of Amelias around. Kelsy, sorry really not my tastes at all.

MammyG · 21/10/2010 21:51

Was going to call my daughter Eliza Mae right up to the last week when DH came up with Phoebe, which we ended up going for. Amelia is nice too - girly.
Kelsey - very american. Tho I know a little girl called Kelsey and it suits her just wouldnt be my cup of tea.

Minione · 21/10/2010 21:13

Eliza is beautiful.

Amelia is nice but ver popular.

Kelsey - not nice, sorry!

mumatron · 21/10/2010 21:10

thanks all.

will keep trying eliza out see if it grows on me.

natalie is my sil's name so don't really want to use that.

whenever i think of kelsey i think of kelsey grammer aka frasier. that can't be good!

OP posts:
yummymummie1 · 21/10/2010 13:45

Amelia and Eliza are lovely not keen on Kelsey

Komondor · 21/10/2010 09:24

Eliza - I personally prefer/love Elizabeth, although I like Eliza.
Amelia - Love, popular for a reason.
Kelsey - Hate. Katie or Kelly or Kirsty are all much better than Kelsey.

Lora69 · 21/10/2010 07:34

Sonya from ee just had a baby named Eliza. Expect it to be none too unusual in the near future!!! :(

asdx2 · 21/10/2010 06:52

Eliza is lovely, Amelia is nice but v popular, Kelsey is awful and the only one I know is really awful too.

WinkyWinkola · 21/10/2010 05:31

Eliza. Beautiful, classic and elegant. And quite unusual still.

mathanxiety · 21/10/2010 02:59

Anais is lovely imo, as is Ines. But not with Natalie.

mathanxiety · 21/10/2010 02:58

Kelsey is really awful.

Eliza is fab, and Amelia is very, very popular and there are loads of Millies. Eliza Natalie is gorgeous.

metromum · 20/10/2010 22:49

Also Natalie's lovely - an option for a first name?

Natalie Eliza?

metromum · 20/10/2010 22:48

Love Eliza

Sunlightdances · 20/10/2010 22:41

I think Kelsey is a really sweet name; I like it. :)

Skyrg · 20/10/2010 22:37

Amelia and Eliza both lovely and go with middle name.
Kelsey is (imo) horrible and doesn't go with the middle name.

randomimposter · 20/10/2010 22:21

By a country mile.

weepootle · 20/10/2010 20:45

Let SIL have Alana- it's awful. Daisy is lovely too. Don't like Lola or Anais.

3plusbumpinthenight · 20/10/2010 20:43

Eliza - really lovely, good for baby and as she grows and under-used.
Amelia - have no strong feeling either way.
Kelsey - Not keen

mumatron · 20/10/2010 20:42

well i had my heart set on Alana, but sil threw her toys out of the pram as she wanted it first Hmm

i also wanted daisy or lola but i'm blaming those on pg hormones!

love daisy but with surname sounds a bit like a porn star, think Daisy Dallas etc.

i also like Anais but dp thinks its a bit wishy washy.

OP posts:
weepootle · 20/10/2010 20:42

Love Amelia.
Eliza is ok, not too keen.
Kelsey, no.

mumatron · 20/10/2010 20:40

it's my fav too, out of those anyway.

OP posts:
Surprise · 20/10/2010 20:39

what's your favourite mumatron? What kind of names do you like?


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rubyslippers · 20/10/2010 20:39

Kelsey - yuck

Eliza is lovely

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