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31 replies

Librashavinganotherbiscuit · 20/10/2010 08:03

Right, baby due in 7 days and we have been arguing discussin baby names since the 20 week scan. My lovely suggestions of Isabel, Martha and Isla have been REJECTED by my VERY UNREASONABLE DH. So we have now come up with Amy. Not on the top 20 list for last 2 years but still a nice pretty name?

What do you think when you hear Amy?

OP posts:
A1980 · 26/10/2010 12:27

Amy's ok but it's a little boring.

better than Martha and Isla though.

muminthemiddle · 26/10/2010 12:04

If you go with Amy please spell it that way and not Ami, Aimee, Amie etc etc all of which I know.

thesecondcoming · 25/10/2010 22:43

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blackmonday · 25/10/2010 21:50

my dd1 is Amy, middle name Jessica and she is beautiful! (also really easy to spell when she started to write!)

emmyloo2 · 25/10/2010 21:47

Love it. Classic and very very underused these days. Nice change from the Isabelles and Lilys running around.
I am biased because my dear sister is Amy but I love it.

MoppingMummy · 25/10/2010 21:20

I love Amy!

jaffacake2 · 24/10/2010 18:09

Amy means beloved and thats my DD1.
Her next name is Louise means princess

Amy Louise= beloved princess Perfect! Smile

Librashavinganotherbiscuit · 24/10/2010 18:06

We have settled on Amy. I think....

OP posts:
facebook · 21/10/2010 21:18

LOVE IT!!! Was my choice for girl's name when I was pregnant but had a ds. Definitely would be our choice for any possible future dd, also love Isla thouight but my dh said NO too!

Librashavinganotherbiscuit · 21/10/2010 17:09

Spider - good point but then I also think Amy is quite a classic name that will never die out completely anyway.

My DH keeps threatening to get to the register office whilst I am laid up post c-section....

Am liking Isadora however.

OP posts:
Eemia · 21/10/2010 17:03

I do like Amy, but I do prefer Isla and Martha.

Why do DH's feel they have an opinion? Am suffering same frustration! Let's just name behind their backs?

AgnesBrown · 21/10/2010 14:12

I knew an Aimee and she was awful!

Love Zoe, Zara and Sara.

Teds77 · 21/10/2010 14:05

Amy could be Aimee and Zara could be Zahra if you didn't want the royal family link! Both lovely however you spell them.

Isabel/Isabella are beautiful but very popular. Isadora is less common though know a few of these now.

Martha is lovely and like Rebecca too.

SpiderWilliam · 21/10/2010 13:49

I find Amy a bit meh too. I think it is declining in popularity but was top 10 in the last 20 years. Bear in mind that there might not be too many in her school year but in adulthood she may meet alot more who are older than her. I speak from personal experience: I was named Alison in the late 70's. At school there was only one other in the whole place. Once I left uni and started work I met loads who were anything up to 15 years older than me. Alison was most popular in the 60s and was on the wane by the time I came along.

Of your other choices I'm not so keen on Rebecca because I don't like Becky much.

Isla and Martha are very "right now", which would put me off but not an issue for lots of people.

I think my favourite would be Zara/Sara.

Don't forget that Josephine can be Josie rather than Jo.

Expecting06112010 · 21/10/2010 12:19

im 20 and there are a few amys my age! i do really love the name though i must say! very pretty! and so are the amy's i know! it reminds me of being pretty!

grinningbee · 20/10/2010 13:15

Well, I am biased as I have an 18mo Amy Grin. Love it!

I also really like Isabel, and should bump (due in just over 3 weeks) have been a girl, it would have been the first or second name.f

Komondor · 20/10/2010 13:03

Perhaps you could spell Zara - Sara, and then its not associated with the royal family.

I know a Rebecca, who everyone calls Rebecca, and another who we shorten to Becca. I'm not keen on nn Becky either.

How about Rachael?

SallyMc54 · 20/10/2010 13:01

i love the name amy

Librashavinganotherbiscuit · 20/10/2010 13:01

Ah second name is done, Josephine, love it, reason it's not a first name is I am not a huge fan of the nn Jo, which of course it would be shortened to by everyone else.

Rebecca - fulladoll I know what you mean even tho we only really fulfil one of those criteria! :) But it is also a classic and not too popular, main sticking point is not overly keen on Becky.

Zara, everytime I hear Zara I think of the royal family I associate it with poshness.

This child is never getting named...

OP posts:
Komondor · 20/10/2010 12:54

I love Zara beautiful name :). Your husband has good taste. I actually prefer Zara to Amy.

Zoe not so keen on.

Rebecca, is one of my alltime favoorite names. A classic.

Out of the names mentioned, for me in order of favourites is:


FullaDoll · 20/10/2010 12:49

I think Martha is cool. By contrast, I think Amy is a bit wimpy. Sorry. Also Amelia is becoming very popular but still a nice name. Amelie is also nice.

Do you like your DH's suggestions? How about Zara Amelia. I think that's really nice.

Rebecca is for dull, middle-class churchy-type people.

Librashavinganotherbiscuit · 20/10/2010 12:39

Aren't most names at one point a bit dated and then they gain popularity again?
Like Komondor says she finds Martha an old ladies name but it's actually quite popular at the moment.

At the moment DH has suggested Zoe, Zara and Rebecca.

Some friends of ours have an Amelia, and I really like the name but we see them quite often but then you have to balance that with the fact at some point we may move and not stay in touch which then would be silly to not call our DD Amelia (just to clarify incase she is a mumsnetter and knows who I am I would LIKE to stay in touch of course!)

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FullaDoll · 20/10/2010 10:21

I think it is dated and a bit, well, boring.

What names has your DH come up with?

Komondor · 20/10/2010 10:20

Lovely name, I actually prefer Amy to Martha (old ladies name IMO) and Isla (harsh sounding).

Re, Isobel, I love this name, but very popular right now.

How about Amelia?

Montifer · 20/10/2010 10:12

Beautiful name Smile

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