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Arts and crafts pictures

Costs for entertaining Children

3 replies

Louisa108 · 24/08/2012 10:25

Having just returned from holiday, just wanted to see what other mum's thought about this, we were charged £5 for 45 mins at a village fete so the kids could do some art and crafts, modelling, finger painting, etc. The kids loved it and the art equipment was fully loaded. Would you have paid this fee?

OP posts:
floraheaven · 19/01/2013 05:40

My sister's child is learning drawing,music,dance and karathe at low cost. I think $3.

BackforGood · 24/08/2012 16:32

No. If I'd gone to a fete, then mine have always had their bag of 20ps, to spend as they wish. If there were some kind of art session on another day, that would fill the morning, then that would be more appealling, but not as part of a fete.

greenapples · 24/08/2012 16:21

Depends how old the kids were. Mine aged 2 and 4 - no.

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