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Complete sewing machine novice, wants to make own clothes?

7 replies

fastasleep · 21/03/2005 09:35

Well the clue's in the title lol, do any of you crafty types know of a really good (and good value) sewing machine that would be ok for a novice who's going to attempt to make some clothes? I also do 'artistic' embroidery and would probably want to edge my pieces of satin/silk with it, but most would be ok at that wouldn't they?...Ohh I don't know!

OP posts:
fastasleep · 21/03/2005 10:17

Aww MTS you're so sweet! I'm all excited now... Are you sure you're not tempted to give sewing another go though? .... I'll definately get down to Lewis's I'm sure I'd love a drressmaking class...maybe I'll look for one...ooh the excitement lol (I'm so silly!)

OP posts:
TwinSetAndPearls · 21/03/2005 10:09

I would second a brother, you can get a new one for notmuch over a hundred or look in your paper for a second hand one. We have them every week going for about £30.

Does your local colege do a class? I go to a dressmaking class evry week as it gives me two hours uninterrupted sewing time as well as an opurtunity to learn and improve my craft. They will probably have sewing machines for you to use there as well if you want to try before you buy.

Lewis' are always are good option for buying machines - as well as patterns - as they are happy to demonstrate the machines and have staff who know what they are talking about.

For a basic machine you just want to make sure it does, sraight running stich of a few lengths, back stitch and zigzag. Every machine will have this.

Just looked at your message again and most basic models have a few embroidery stitches , mine does anyway.

mummytosteven · 21/03/2005 09:50

oh yeah, that's fine. i got it as a birthday present to myself a few years, back and hardly ever used it, but couldn't bear to get rid of it coz it was a significant sum of money.

fastasleep · 21/03/2005 09:48

Ooooh MTS ooooh would have to be long term as it would probably take me months to work out how to use it!

I assure you my creations will never be wearable it's a pregnancy thing...have to make stuff...

OP posts:
mummytosteven · 21/03/2005 09:46

mine's a brother BTW

Keane · 21/03/2005 09:44

brother machine are usually very good value

mummytosteven · 21/03/2005 09:38

i've got one i never use fancy a long-term loan?

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