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What can you crochet for a man?

29 replies

WoolyPants · 06/12/2017 17:17

Crochet is very female, isn’t it? Lovely scarves, jumpers, bags, accessories, however what about men? What sorts of things could you/do you make?

Thanks for some ideas, looking for inspiration.

OP posts:
Darklane · 31/12/2017 19:00

I’ve crocheted ties from silk not wool & lined them. They went down well & were worn a lot.

Watto1 · 17/12/2017 22:12

My dad used to have a green woolly tie. This was in the 70's though!

Gwlondon · 17/12/2017 22:10

I have a tie pattern. It's straight.

liz70 · 09/12/2017 10:51
tizwozliz · 07/12/2017 19:47

Star wars AT-AT was well received here

What can you crochet for a man?
Stitchit · 06/12/2017 22:30

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

prettymess · 06/12/2017 18:40

There you go!

What can you crochet for a man?
WoolyPants · 06/12/2017 17:58

Ooh, a crochet storm trooper figurine, now there’s something he’d love...!

OP posts:
prettymess · 06/12/2017 17:56

A male friend bought me Star Wars crochet set.

WoolyPants · 06/12/2017 17:54

Thanks for the ideas. I’m going to finish my frilly, lacy feminine scarf first and then start on something for DS Grin

OP posts:
SoupDragon · 06/12/2017 17:47

Texture is a good way of adding interest to a dull coloured hat so maybe searching for cabled hat or texured hat.

SoupDragon · 06/12/2017 17:44

Sometimes you can get away with a mostly dull item with a strip of colour - as the last item I linked to shows.

I'm making DS1 a blanket that is 2 shades of grey with a small amount of red to lift it out of being duller than dull.

SoupDragon · 06/12/2017 17:42

this cowl has a matching hat.

WoolyPants · 06/12/2017 17:40

I like that hat, Soup. I can imagine DS wearing that, he might even think it was cool. The men in my life are not very adventurous with clothes or colours (whereas I love bright colours), so I guess that’s why I feel a bit uninspired with dull colours and plain patterns.

OP posts:
Skyllo30 · 06/12/2017 17:38

MIL made DH a lovely crochet blanket. He uses it to keep himself warm when playing Xbox. Hmm

SoupDragon · 06/12/2017 17:37
SoupDragon · 06/12/2017 17:36

This hat.

Which lead me to this scarf

There were a few other hats on ravelry if you searched for man hat

GemmaB78 · 06/12/2017 17:32

Woolypants, even. I got carried away by the hat theme!

GemmaB78 · 06/12/2017 17:32

Thanks wooly hat. I had the yarn, he needed a hat, and I fancied a break from knitting!

The viking hat will be his next hat. We live in York (Jorvik!) ; he has a scandi name. It HAS to be done.

MsHomeSlice · 06/12/2017 17:24

what feminine about a plain navy scarf?

it's like saying clothes are usually quite feminine.... just because there is more choice.

Nice novelty Viking Hat

WoolyPants · 06/12/2017 17:24

That’s cute, Gemma!

OP posts:
GemmaB78 · 06/12/2017 17:23

The most basic DC beanie is masculine. This is my son's hat. Nothing remotely frilly or lacy!

What can you crochet for a man?

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StillGotTheTreeUp · 06/12/2017 17:23

A lovely dark navy blue scarf is masculine. No need for patterns.

TossDaily · 06/12/2017 17:22


GemmaB78 · 06/12/2017 17:21

Scarf. Hat. iPad/tablet/kindle cover. Cup cosy for a travel mug. Fingerless gloves.

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