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Ok, I want to knit myself a sweater

5 replies

Nockney · 08/03/2007 10:37

I have 5 balls of 4ply in one colour, and 9 in another. (The two colours sorta go - I'd rather have a sweater in the 5-ball colour, but would cope with the 9-ball colour, too. Both are nice, really. I am a 14, so reasonably big.)

I want something with a high neck, maybe with a lacy bit? Short sleeves I think. Fairly fitted.

Do I just put it together myself from that Sweater Workshop book? Or are there any tempting patterns online? I have a sweater or two I can measure for sizing. I can adapt a pattern from whatever to 4ply. I'd love a fairly seamfree sweater, all things considered ...

OP posts:
florenceuk · 08/03/2007 22:20

Well I have this book, and it might have something that would work? vintage knits . The short sleeved sweater in a kind of wavy pattern at the bottom is in 4-ply.

Nockney · 08/03/2007 21:05

Well, it doesn't have to be a turtleneck ... I was thinking a boat neck or something. I'll have a look at that sweater workshop book, and I do have a Zimmerman, but I am not sure that raglan (is that the right word? the sort of set in sleeves) sleeves are the thing I'm looking for here ...

OP posts:
Tamum · 08/03/2007 17:45

I can't think of anything with a high neck like that, but maybe it would be worth getting something like Elizabeth Zimmerman, or The Sweater Workshop (?) that shows you the calculations for knitting from the neck down, so that you get something seamfree. You could easily pick up stitches afterwards for a high neck. There was a good article about top-down calculations in the first issue of Yarn Forward, actually.

Nockney · 08/03/2007 12:19

That one is pretty, but yeah, not what I'm after.

Actually, I was sure I'd found a pattern I wanted to do, on knitty, and now I can't find it. It had a boat neck, I think. And it had sideways waves on it, done with cabling I think. But apparently I imagined it, as I can't find it now.

OP posts:
florenceuk · 08/03/2007 11:43

this is not really what you asked for but I've always admired this one on knitty:

wrap cardy

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