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Knitting pattern help for novice knitter please - issue 129 Simply Knitting

5 replies

RachelWatts · 14/01/2015 21:41

I'm trying to knit a scarf using the free pattern with issue 129 of Simply Knitting. Anyone got this issue?

The scarf is a pocket scarf with a heart motif on the pockets. The scarf is knitted in one piece, then the ends are folded over and the edges sewed to make the pockets.

The photo on the front shows the hearts the right way up, but the pattern says to start the heart from the bottom, which I think will mean the hearts will end up the wrong way up.

Anyone able to advise?

I've contacted the magazine on Facebook but no response yet.

OP posts:
RachelWatts · 15/01/2015 11:23

Oops forgot to say thank you

OP posts:
RachelWatts · 15/01/2015 11:23

Tribpot no the hearts are knitted as part of the scarf. I don't know why they look like that in the photo as it's the same type of wool.

CatsClaus - as I suspected. The pattern says to do the ribbing, then start at the bottom pointy end of the heart, which is opposite to what you've said.

OP posts:
CatsClaus · 15/01/2015 08:16

for the first end you will do the border/ribbing, then start with the wide part of the heart (top) and it will be upside down when you are done with it, but when you have flipped it up for the pocket it will be correct

for the last heart you will start at the pointy narrow end, finishing with the boarder/ribbing and then that one will be right way up when flipped

tribpot · 15/01/2015 08:06

I can see the scarf on this page. Are you sure the heart isn't embroidered on top afterwards? (Or even knit separately and then sewn on?) It must be one bloody fluffy yarn to be standing out that far from the green fabric around it?

Dutchoma · 15/01/2015 08:01

Haven't got the pattern so this is a guess. Will the hearts be the right way up when you have folded the scarf? Can you try to draw it on a piece of paper and fold it the way they say?

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