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Kumihimo braiding anyone?

4 replies

MinniesMate · 28/11/2013 12:55

I'm having a go at Kumihimo braiding and rather enjoying it.

Can anyone recommend a suitable glue for fixing the braid in the findings? The DVD with the instructions is American and I can't find the glue they use.

OP posts:
AndWhenYouGetThere · 05/12/2013 18:20

I've been doing this for a while.
We've used plain old PVA and sellotape, then taken the tape off when the glue dried. We've also used superglue.
I guess it depends which thread/yarn/wire you're using (we just used friendship bracelet cords).

Wingedharpy · 05/12/2013 17:58

Well Minnie - I've sent for a disc and some bobbins and am awaiting their arrival.
When there is no housework done, meals cooked or clothes ironed in the Wingedharpy household, I shall tell those affected to blame Minnie as s/he led me down this path!

MinniesMate · 29/11/2013 13:18

Thanks Winged!

That looks like what I need.

Do have a go - it's very relaxing and you can do it watching TV!

OP posts:
Wingedharpy · 29/11/2013 01:01

Hi Minnies.
I'd never heard of this until I read your post and having googled it I quite fancy having a go myself!
I found something called :
Beadsmith zap jewellery gel at //
£2.75 for 3g tube.
Looks like it may be what you need but what do I know?

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