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Learning to knit

31 replies

BeaWheesht · 05/04/2013 20:26

I'd love to learn to knit but would probably have to teach myself as too skint for lessons and can't commit to regular classes.

Is that an impossible task?

Any tips on how to get started?


OP posts:
RedRosie · 05/04/2013 23:26

Bea - if you could get to a wool shop, they would be brilliant and welcome you with open arms. I got my first wool and needles from a small local wool shop in London, and they were lovely.

Someone recommended "knit and natter" which I understand are good things run by shops or in libraries. I just got wool, needles, a book and learned the basics by myself, with occasional panicky questions in Arts and Crafts which were answered by fantastic crafty types like Tribpot and RatherBeOnThePiste along with many others.

I've not been around much lately for various reasons, but I guarantee that there is help here for you!

Don't feel all overwhelmed!


MoaningMingeWhingesAgain · 05/04/2013 23:18 - scroll down and choose 10mm needles - scroll down to choose a ball of Big Softie - scroll down to Big Softie knits for beginners

Check out. Add shop to bookmarks, they are really good and usually post first class the next day.

DontCallMeBaby · 05/04/2013 22:56

That size of yarn is often 'bulky' in US patterns, as per this one - nice simple hat that doesn't involve knitting in the round. It's ribbed so reasonably tolerant of being not quite the right size.

I find youtube great for knitting help, having learned as a child and now trying to improve my skills. If you don't understand one video just try the next one, whereas diagrams in books always seem to miss the vital step between the yarn being here and the yarn being there ...

Fairypants · 05/04/2013 22:33

Fat wool is generally known as 'chunky' or (fatter) 'super chunky' for learning, I found wool that changes through different colours is really helpful- you can see how the stitches work.
I used YouTube and random bits of wool and needles but have found loads of knitting magazines now come with a set of needles and a ball of wool each week to go with the patterns so that could be a simple place to start.

BeaWheesht · 05/04/2013 22:31

Thanks am off to bed as going cross eyed looking tonight. Thanks

OP posts:
TheWoollybacksWife · 05/04/2013 22:22

This is a nice hat pattern.

TheWoollybacksWife · 05/04/2013 22:04

Sirdar Big Softie needs 10mm needles.

Here from Deramores.

This would then make something like this hat

BeaWheesht · 05/04/2013 22:00

Nope am in middle of nowhere!

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charlottery · 05/04/2013 21:59

Are you near a John Lewis? They will have someone in the haberdashery who will teach you

BeaWheesht · 05/04/2013 21:57

I don't know how to know what Kind of wool to order though without going through the description for every listing ?

Hmmmm if I can't even order the materials is there any hope for me?

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BeaWheesht · 05/04/2013 21:53

What about if i ordered these ??

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BeaWheesht · 05/04/2013 21:51

I am a bit far away unfortunately Hmm up in Scotland!

Your explanation is very good though! Am off to try again.

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BeaWheesht · 05/04/2013 21:49

Oh bloody hell I'm looking on amazon and there are 3 zillion 10mm needles and I've no idea which to order or which wool to get.

Am overwhelmed.

OP posts:
TheWoollybacksWife · 05/04/2013 21:48

If you are in North Northants or the border with Leicestershire (Market Harborough way) then I can help, in person. I keep offering my services and someone, someday will take me up on it... Grin

If you are not in this very specific part of the Midlands then YouTube is great. There are videos for casting on and casting off, knit stitch and purl stitch, plus all sorts of fancy stitches.

If you go to a wool shop or somewhere like Hobbycraft and look at a ball of yarn then they usually have a little diagram on the paper wrap. This tells you what size needles are most suitable for that yarn. As a general rule of thumb DK (Double Knitting) yarn uses 4mm needles. Thin yarn uses thin needles and thick yarn uses thick needles. Needles also come in different lengths - I use medium length about 35cm. They are also made from different materials - steel, plastic and wood like bamboo or rosewood.

RedRosie · 05/04/2013 21:37

They don't lear to knit obviously. That would be weird.

They learn to knit.

BeaWheesht · 05/04/2013 21:33

Ok am off to look for 'big fat wool'

OP posts:
RedRosie · 05/04/2013 21:31

I started with big fat wool and 10mm needles - you can see mistakes easily and it "grows" really quickly.

I'm not very good - but took part in the blanket projects with the WoollyHuggies (sad, but rather lovely as well).

I believe lots of people lear to knit and crochet just for the blankets.

Sailormercury · 05/04/2013 21:26

I think Debbie Stollers book stitch and bitch is a good one to learn to knit from. I learnt to crochet from her book "the happy hooker".

BeaWheesht · 05/04/2013 21:14

Redrosie - errrr what size would fat needles be?

OP posts:
BeaWheesht · 05/04/2013 21:12

Thanks all. Will order some needles and wool.

I would like to make a hat for dd but tbh I think that wont be on the cards just yet!

OP posts:
RedRosie · 05/04/2013 21:12

There is lots of support in Arts and Crafts on MN. By far the nicest bit of MN in my view.


I learned from a book - Knitty Gritty - but there is tons of help, advice and good humour here too.

I'm not very good. But there are amazing, patient people who can help. Tribpot and the like.

Get some wool, some needles (I recommend fat needles and thick wool to begin) and a guide online or in print - and just give it a go.

Good luck.

RhinestoneCowgirl · 05/04/2013 21:08

Don't forget the library for knitting books - Debbie Bliss is really good for the basics. I also like Stitch & Bitch by Debbie Stoller.

But if you're a complete beginner it is easier (well, was for me) for someone else to show you. Youtube handy for this, although a knit & natter type group would be really happy to show you so don't be scared!


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ananikifo · 05/04/2013 21:02

I taught myself to knit using videos on the Internet. That was 5 years ago, and I've made sweaters, scarves, mittens, socks, and baby items, and worked with multiple colours (various techniques), lace, and cables. I've never taken a class (mostly due to finances) and never joined a knitting group (mostly due to shyness). I have looked in books but honestly the free Internet stuff is more useful.

I learned most of the basics from // and now mostly use the forums and groups on // I recommend any knitter join ravelry. You can join a group for whatever you want to do and get advice and links to help. I also don't know how I would find a pattern without ravelry, and many of them are free.

Joining a group is a great idea, too. One day I will! The one at my local yarn store seems really friendly but as I said I'm a bit shy!

MerryMessiahWhingesAgain · 05/04/2013 20:59

I taught myself from a book - Debbie Bliss How to Knit but its out of print at the moment.
I know quite a few people like the Knitty Gritty book for learning to begin with, but I didn't like it that much. Most knitting magazines have a basics section at the back, between that and youtube you will be fine. Plus join Ravelry and loose many more hours of your life.

I would get some 4mm needles and a ball of DK yarn to start with. I just got the cheap stuff to practice with.

iheartshoes · 05/04/2013 20:54

Dropping stitches together sounds good ! I want to try and make a baby blanket ....! Have u got anything in mind to make ? Thanks for the tips HomeEco

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