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Has anyone done a course in upholstery?

4 replies

harbinger · 28/02/2013 18:19

What could you do after 6 Weeks?

OP posts:
harbinger · 04/03/2013 17:11

Hmm, food for thought there.

Will come back after I've thought.

OP posts:
sununu · 04/03/2013 15:58

I've done three 8-week terms (spread out over a year or two). It took me the whole of the first two terms to strip back, rebuild and upholster the rather over-ambitious first project I chose, also with traditional techniques (then I did a stool and a dining chair). I kind of understand why professional upholstery is so expensive now! I did love it though. I think I would have the confidence to tackle a project alone now, but I realised it is not actually an easy hobby to keep up - you need space, lots of equipment and supplies and it makes a mess.

harbinger · 04/03/2013 15:42

Thank you for telling me about your course, it sounds wonderful. I like the flexibility of the one you are on as I can think of several projects that need those skills.
Did you have the chair to start with? Hence the course?
I'm tempted by a course but the chair I would eventually like to deal with is a leather captain's type chair. (Which I don't think is a good idea for a novice).
The only other chairs I have are the type with a loose seat pad and I don't feel they are that taxing.

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Wingedharpy · 01/03/2013 01:13

I'm doing one right now.
It was week 6 today and I'm in the process of re-upholstering a bedroom chair.
I've removed all the old upholstery and re-webbed the chair.
I'm doing it the "old fashioned way" apparently - using hessian and horse hair and making a "rolled edge" with hessian and wadding.
My chair should be completed next week and is looking good if I do say so myself.
I've never done it before and have to say I've enjoyed it but we do have an excellent tutor who is multi-talented and there are a lovely group of women who attend and who are all doing different things (the course is called upholstery and soft furnishing, so some are making blinds, curtains, cushions etc etc).
I would recommend it to anyone who has an interest.

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