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What are your favourite crafting shops?

3 replies

ThePavlovianCat · 20/02/2013 10:39

I'm looking for green felt and mixed red buttons for a craft project and I'm not finding what I want so I was wondering where other people get their craft supplies?

OP posts:
Moomoomie · 20/02/2013 17:54

Don't know if you live near The Range and if the stock is all the same but our local one was selling black, red and green felt on the roll for about £2 a metre.

yuleheart · 20/02/2013 13:07

Last time I was in hobbycraft the felt was 3 for 2.

queenybee · 20/02/2013 11:59

i found that hobbycraft was great, but it can be quite expensive

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