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Seeking Crochet Waistcoat pattern

2 replies

BlackberryAddict · 07/10/2011 11:14

First post so please bear with me.

I am looking for a crochet pattern for a waistcoat for my (adult sized) daughter - she knows exactly what she wants so details are quite specific.

Hip-length sleeveless waistcoat (not capped sleeves), half moon front and a lacy pattern - she likes the doily on the dining room table! Front does not need to meet, but will need to cover her ample DD bosom. May also be described as a shrug or bolero, I suppose

I am quite and experienced crocheter, so could probably adapt a pattern, but just can't find anything even as a starting point. Any suggestions gratefully received.

OP posts:
BlackberryAddict · 07/10/2011 23:44

Thank you angelpantser, that looks ideal, I will show it to her in the morning.

Also discovered a great new website too, thanks again.

OP posts:
angelpantser · 07/10/2011 22:00

What about the "Alumni Shrug Vest" on Ravelry. Sorry I can't link as it keeps taking me to my personal page.

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