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Antenatal tests

NT 3.5

49 replies

Kateb8020 · 11/02/2021 15:55

My partner and I had the news that the NT 3.5. Called into a room and the general attitude was there was likely to be something wrong with our baby however, it being normal for our baby was also common . Advised on the various tests and chose to pay for the blood test that test the baby’s DNA in my blood. Really struggling to hold back the tears . Has anyone had a similar experience and everything turned out ok

OP posts:
LaceyMermaid · 24/02/2021 08:27

@Ard35 thanks that’s reassuring. I’m too late for CVS but too early for amnio so I’ve opted for nipt to see what that says. Just confused why it’s come back high as apparently my scan was fine.
@Pip12a glad you’ve had your NIPT done I’m getting mine done today

LaceyMermaid · 24/02/2021 08:27

@Sixtyorforty I’m praying for a result like that

Kateb8020 · 24/02/2021 16:52

So 95% chance of Down’s for our baby . We have no idea on how to decide what to do, seeing all the sides of it , we are heartbroken

OP posts:
Sixtyorforty · 24/02/2021 17:40

@Kateb8020 sorry to hear this news. Was this result from the bloods? Are you being offered amnio?

LaceyMermaid · 24/02/2021 17:59

I’m really sorry to hear this @Kateb8020

Pip12a · 25/02/2021 07:33

I’m so sorry @Kateb8020 I hope you’ve been offered lots of support xx

hols86 · 25/02/2021 07:58

So sorry to hear this, what was your blood results? Maybe amino might be worth doing x

Livingmagicallyagain · 25/02/2021 08:05

I went through this too and the best thing I did was to give myself plenty of time. There is absolutely no rush. Contact your local Down Syndrome charities, talk to parents, educate yourself. You deserve every chance to make an informed decision. Whatever you decide, you can do this. PADS is a wonderful resource too.

I remember the shock and heartbreak and crying. Time made all the difference. And it really, really, really was all ok! This I absolutely promise.

Hadd9 · 25/02/2021 09:13

I was given 1 in 95 after my quad test. Went for the NIPT test and it came back as 1 in 10000. However, I now have a 1 in 5 chance of Patau 😔. Had my amnio on Tuesday and waiting for the results.

Nothing was raised at my 12 weeks scan and they couldn’t get a nuchal reading as baby was moving too much!

Just feel lost..

BabyPotato · 25/02/2021 09:50

I'm sorry you're going through this @Kateb8020. Did Fetal Medicine tell you what the next steps might be? I think you have the option to confirm the results with amnio if you wanted to be absolutely certain? Also it might be worth speaking to ARC or other professionals who can help you decide what to do. There is plenty of help available. It's daunting at the moment but take it one day at a time. Flowers

@Hadd9 Sorry to hear you're in this situation too. I hope you get your results soon so you can start to move forwards. Waiting in limbo is the worst. Take care. Flowers

hols86 · 25/02/2021 11:37

Hi hadde, I'm so sorry to hear what u are going thru Sad did the Nipt not pick up patua? Thinking of u ☹️

Hadd9 · 25/02/2021 12:25

Hi, hols86

NIPT did pick up the Patau but baby is okay from everything else. So confused as I was high risk DS and now Patau.

Hoping that it’s a false positive! Xx

hols86 · 25/02/2021 12:49

Bless you, what a worry time for u. I have heard that is u get a positive for patau there's a chance of 1 in 5 your baby doesn't have the chromosome abnormalities so u still have a good chance all is ok! I've never heard of false negative, but false positive is a possibility. When do u find out I'm keeping everything crossed for u at this worrying time x

hols86 · 25/02/2021 12:49

Hadd9, did the hospital say why u was classed high risk for Down syndrome?

Hadd9 · 25/02/2021 13:06

I hope so!! I either find out today or tomorrow. So constantly checking my phone and listening out for a call!!

They never said anything, but I didn’t really ask. It is going to be one of my questions going forward. My head is all over.

I just keep hoping xx

Hadd9 · 25/02/2021 13:28

Just got the call and sadly baby does have Patau Syndrome. Feel like I’ve been hit by a bus. Now sat waiting for my husband to return from work to let him know. 💔

Sixtyorforty · 25/02/2021 13:52

@Hadd9 so sorry to hear this. Lots of love x

taisu · 25/02/2021 14:30

So sorry to hear this for you @Hadd9 and @Kateb8020

Hadd9, I was also given the same diagnosis about 2 months ago so I can understand how you are feeling. It can feel like a very lonely experience but hope you know you are not alone. Sending you lots of love x

hols86 · 25/02/2021 17:40

I'm so sorry to hear this 😥😭😢 thinking of you xxxx

Pip12a · 03/03/2021 14:07

We’ve sadly just had the call that our risk is over 99% for Down Syndrome, absolutely heartbroken 💔

LaceyMermaid · 03/03/2021 14:49

I’m so sorry to hear that @Pip12a

Sixtyorforty · 03/03/2021 17:34

@Pip12a really sorry to hear that. Be kind to yourself.


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Kateb8020 · 05/03/2021 10:13

Hi all Pip12a I'm sorry to hear this I'm going through the same . He had the CVS this week but the consultant said there was no nasal bone and so it's really just going to confirm the downs. We have now decided what to do but obviously it's heart breaking . Just got to be strong and try stay mentally sound . The sadness I've felt has been intense and I feel for everyone who is going through this too.

OP posts:
Sixtyorforty · 12/03/2021 09:15

@Kateb8020 how are you getting on?

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