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Antenatal tests

NT 3.8mm, 1 in 28 risk of downs

33 replies

Robs20 · 12/11/2019 20:17

Posted this on the pregnancy board but haven’t had any responses. Can anyone here help?

Totally gutted. My first daughter had an undiagnosed condition and died at the start of this year.

I was very nervous about this pregnancy and the risk of something happening again, but so hopeful it would be ok.

Just had my nuchal scan and twin 1 has NT of 3.8mm and 1:28 risk of downs. Twin 2 was low risk (but then again so was my daughter and she wasn’t ok).

I’m having the cvs either tomorrow or Thursday but now feeling confused. The sonographer gave us a leaflet but basically said nothing else. She didn’t comment (and I didnt think to ask) on whether the babies were physically ok. I’ve read there are other physical markers of issues (heart defects, nasal bridge etc).

Would really appreciate other experiences of high NT, good and bad outcomes so I can prepare myself. They have said if baby doesn’t have downs it is likely to have a cardiac issue :(

OP posts:
Robs20 · 19/11/2019 11:23

@cattaxi thank you! I was doing ok but have woken up today feeling so negative. I’ve been reading another thread where people are getting cvs or nipt results through and all seem to be fine. I’ve convinced myself it is me that will be the ‘1’ in whatever to get the bad results.

OP posts:
cattaxi · 19/11/2019 23:49

@Robs20 it’s really hard not to think & expect the worse.
How long do you have to wait for your results? Not too long hopefully x

Robs20 · 20/11/2019 21:28

@cattaxi they said 7 working days so probably Monday. Feels like ages!!

OP posts:
cattaxi · 22/11/2019 13:29

Hope you are managing to keep yourself distracted @Robs20. And I hope you get some good news Monday x

Robs20 · 25/11/2019 15:12

I had the call today and the results are low risk. I can’t bloody believe it!
I have to see fetal cardiology next week in case the high NT was caused by a heart defect, so panicking about that. But for now I feel huge relief. Thanks for all your support.

OP posts:
Herocomplex · 25/11/2019 15:18

I’m so happy to hear that news. Fingers crossed that the cardiac scans are good. It is possible that your baby is fine, mine was. It’s an incredibly stressful time though. Mine was this time of year too and I just kept looking at people planning Christmas and wondering how life could go on so normally. But it’s that ‘going on’ that’s so important, I realise now.
Best wishes to you.

champagneandfromage50 · 25/11/2019 15:21

Good luck going forward. I was 1:32 with my DS1 and he is fine and my DS2 was 1:4 and was fine too. Bloody terribly time waiting and anxious at every step

cattaxi · 25/11/2019 20:06

I’m very pleased to hear that @Robs20. Hopefully your cardiac scan will give you the all ckear

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