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Antenatal tests

Waiting for amnio results - so down :(

68 replies

Marma1ad3 · 10/01/2014 16:46

Hi, this is my first post here but I want to just offload a bit before I go more mad than I feel already.

My quad test gave us a 1:5 heart stopping ratio for a genetic problem (not sure about the specifics, I haven't seen any actual data). I got this on Monday afternoon. I was squeezed into a clinic on Tuesday lunchtime for my amnio which was brilliant but the wait since has been horrid.

I just called the fetal medicine team at the hospital and they said probably no results until Monday now. I don't know what the hell I'm going to do with myself all weekend :( I have a 2 year old and I just want o hide, which isn't fair on her.

I'm so scared of the results, we know what we want to do either way but we just need to know now.

Anyone got any advice for distraction? It's already been the longest week of my life :(

OP posts:
JugglingBackwardsAndForwards · 15/01/2014 19:13

How are you Marma? I'm so sorry Sad

realnappiesmum · 14/01/2014 10:14

We had diagnosis of Down's Syndrome at 21 weeks. We continued with pregnancy and our little princess is absolutely fantastic. She is the apple of her brotber's eye,absolutely adore each other. There is a website called Future Of Downs which is great and attached Facebook group which is fantastic. Run by parents of children with DS. The support and knowledge on there is 2nd to none.

Jacksmania · 14/01/2014 02:47

Thinking of you. Keep posting if it'll help you get your head around everything, no-one will judge you, and there are lots of us here to hold your hand.

Tranquilitybaby · 13/01/2014 23:50

So sorry to hear that :0( love and light to you x

Jacksmania · 13/01/2014 19:58

Oh :(
I'm so sad for you :(

lunar1 · 13/01/2014 18:47

I'm so sorry you news wasn't good. I hope you have lots if real life support.

CrispyFB · 13/01/2014 18:42

I am really sorry you did not get the result you wanted and for the situation you now find yourself in. Even though it was 1 in 5, you've still been very unlucky as the odds were in your favour.

Very much thinking of you and all you have to deal with in the immediate and near future Sad

teenybash7 · 13/01/2014 18:23

I'm so sorry. I had a termination at 23 weeks for a condition incompatible with life. It still hurts many years later but I remember the utter devastation and the shock after the amnio. Be kind to yourselves.

grobagsforever · 13/01/2014 17:07

I'm so sorry. Do take your time and do things on your terms.

stickysausages · 13/01/2014 17:00

I'm really sorry :(

Monten · 13/01/2014 16:55

Hi Marma - I'm so so sorry. You must be devastated.

I have also had bad news, but will post about that on my thread.

I'm so sorry. It's terrible, shitty, unbelievably awful luck.

snapple21 · 13/01/2014 16:13

I'm really sorry to hear this.

I had a termination of my much loved baby due to a downs diagnosis last year feel free to pm me if this is the route you choose xxx

muppetthecow · 13/01/2014 16:00

I'm so sorry to hear that Marma Sad

I second what Saggy says about taking some time to think. Even though you've made your choice, you still need a few days to come to terms with it. Try not to put pressure on yourself to tell people quickly; it's your news, they need to hear it on your timetable. x

MrsT2007 · 13/01/2014 15:55

Oh I'm so sorry it's not good news.

I've been exactly where you are now, and I promise it gets better xxx

Good luck, whatever you decide xxx

Hanzym · 13/01/2014 15:45

I'm so sorry for you, I know how you must be feeling, I had to have a termination due to a condition not compatible with life, I was 18+4 and delivered him on Saturday, it's heart breaking and nothing can make you feel better, I just found looking on here helped me know I'm not the only one, good luck with the next process and if you want to talk please feel free to e-mail me xxx

SaggyOldClothCatPuss · 13/01/2014 15:35

I'm so sorry. I know first hand what you must be feeling right now. Sad
I know you've made your choices, and ill not judge you for them, its a very personal decision, But take a few days to clear your head. And in terms of your mother, work out what you are going to do on advance. It might be better to tell everyone the same thing.
Anyway, have a {{{{hug}}}} and know we are still here. x

WipsGlitter · 13/01/2014 15:27

I'm sad to hear you didn't get the result you wanted. I have a son with Downs and I can understand your fears and feelings at the news. Big hug. xx

JugglingBackwardsAndForwards · 13/01/2014 15:23

Oh, I am sorry Marma Sad

Marma1ad3 · 13/01/2014 15:18

It came back positive for t21 :(

I feel better for knowing, but destroyed at the same time

OP posts:
Jacksmania · 13/01/2014 15:03

Another hand to hold. ((((((HUG))))))))

muppetthecow · 13/01/2014 11:30

This was us three years ago. It was possibly the worst week of my life. I just felt so out of control. I think whichever way the results go it gets that bit easier because you know and can act on it. That limbo will be over soon. {{hug}}

JugglingBackwardsAndForwards · 13/01/2014 11:25

Thinking of you x


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shoeprincess2 · 13/01/2014 11:21

Just read your post- I was you in March 2012. Got a 1 in 5 risk of a chromosomal problem, due to a high nuchal fold measurement (4.1mm). Had to wait a fortnight to have the amnio and then had the dreaded 2-3 day wait for telephone results. I had a permanent headache and then got the call at work. All was fine. I know exactly how you are feeling. Lots of googling and thinking "what if" and lots of crying. Remember 1 in 5 risk of something being amiss, means 4 in 5 of all being fine. Take care x

SaggyOldClothCatPuss · 13/01/2014 11:17

Lovey, its ok to cry. {{{hug}}} This is a shit day, but remember that it's just one day and it'll soon be over. The fear of the unknown is the worst part. Just stay strong. x

Marma1ad3 · 13/01/2014 11:16

No not in work, haven't been since the amnio. Can't stop crying :(

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