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to go back to nursery at lunchtime to breastfeed

22 replies

tryingtobemarrypoppins2 · 17/06/2010 15:18

DS2 6 months will only be there 1 day a week and it seems mad expressing when I'm just round the corner but a) would it upset or confuse a 6 month old and b) are the nursery going to mind?

I am going to do BLW this time so I thought good feed from me then back to join others with his soilds???

OP posts:
chipmonkey · 18/06/2010 16:47

Sorry, see TIY answered for me!

Was not implying refrigerated or frozen EBM is not good, btw and have sent many a bottle of it in to nursery over many years but direct from source is better.

gormlessdinner · 17/06/2010 22:34

Definitely do it! I went over to nursery to feed the baby every day from when he went in at seven months. Now that he's one, I've decided to reclaim my lunchtimes (still feeding at other times though).

The nursery was always made me feel welcome and I always had a nice chat with the nursery nurses and the other children.

moondog · 17/06/2010 21:41

I did it and never considered whether it would be 'allowed'.
If they had been unwilling (which they weren't) I would have stopped using the place.

ChuckBartowski · 17/06/2010 21:36

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castille · 17/06/2010 21:29

Um, DD1 is 12 now so she has moved on a bit

But she did settle extremely well after her initial rebellion, the staff were great, and I stopped needing to go after a month or two IIRC.

In your shoes I think I'd just tell them that's what you intend to do, but stop once she's settled there (keep up morning and evening feeds if you want) because around 9 or 10 months is prime separation anxiety time.

Morloth · 17/06/2010 17:24

I think that sounds like an excellent idea and you should definitely do it if at all possible, even with dashing there much less phaff than pumping and bubs gets a cuddle and feed with Mum as well.

He shouldn't get confused will just get into the routine of having you there for that and then you heading out again.

dorisbonkers · 17/06/2010 17:19

We both went part time when my daughter was 15 months old (I started 3 days a week, DH cut his hours in half) and at the start he used to bring her to Canary Wharf at lunchtimes on the days I worked and I'd sit and feed her a couple of times. I continued this until she was 17 months I guess.

It worked well and I think she liked seeing me, rather than it discombobulating her.

Not that she 'needed' the milk as such and after many failed attempts to express in the past I vowed never to go down that route.

tryingtobemarrypoppins2 · 17/06/2010 16:36

thanks thisisyesterday really interesting.
castille has your DD settled now?

OP posts:
thisisyesterday · 17/06/2010 16:24

it's better because it's fresh, and because your breastmilk changes. throughout the day as well as throughout the weeks and months as your baby gets older
one example: baby gets a cold. germs are transferred to you on the breast, your body produces antibodies which are then delivered via the milk

plus anything frozen and reheated is going to lose a bit of "goodness"

that said frozen ebm is still bloody good stuff and worth doing. but if you can give it direct then all the better

castille · 17/06/2010 16:20

I did this with DD1, who went on hunger strike for her first few weeks at a (lovely) day nursery at 7 months.

She only did 1 full day a week and my office was v close. It was the only nourishment she would take all day so the staff were quite pleased they didn't have to cope with a starving cranky baby all afternoon!

I doubt 6mo babies are expected to conform to lunchtime schedules anyway, so the timing shouldn't be a problem.

tryingtobemarrypoppins2 · 17/06/2010 16:16

Is it chipmonkey? Why? What about frozen EBM?

OP posts:
chipmonkey · 17/06/2010 16:11

Tbh I would have a question mark over any nursery that wasn't willing to accommodate you on this. Milk direct from the breast is slightly better than expressed milk for the baby.

tryingtobemarrypoppins2 · 17/06/2010 15:49

Thanks thisisyesterday I will need my baby back for a bit too!!!

OP posts:
Missus84 · 17/06/2010 15:48

Find out what the nursery routine is, but they will probably have finished lunch and got most of the babies in bed by the time you arrive - then it could be quite good timing for them to keep your DS up a little later, and you to feed and put him to bed. Depends on how supportive the nursery is though.

Bramshott · 17/06/2010 15:47

Definitely worth asking - they should really support this.

thisisyesterday · 17/06/2010 15:47

i would absolutely do it!
i think it can only be a good thing to have a bit of mummy time mid-day and if he goes off to sleep then all the better!

tryingtobemarrypoppins2 · 17/06/2010 15:43

bumpyboo I would have to ask them to bring him out to another room as DS1 is also there and he would be confussed.

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tryingtobemarrypoppins2 · 17/06/2010 15:42

TBH I know they do lunch at 11:45 and by the time I get there it would be 12:20 so its not ideal. I guess also your right, he would have some soilds then I would arrive feed him and he would fall asleep on the boob.
Do you think that would upset him? He is sooooo laid back at the moment (4 months) and very happy baby, although when I am a bad mummy who leaves him 3 days a week he may not be so happy

OP posts:
bumpyboo · 17/06/2010 15:41

I would express if I were you. I don't know if it would upset your DS but perhaps it might upset or confuse some of the other children.
I would ask the nursery what they think though and then follow their advice

Missus84 · 17/06/2010 15:30

Nurseries tend to do lunch quite early - 11.30ish. It might upset your DS, but could you feed, put him down for his nap, and leave while he's asleep?

tryingtobemarrypoppins2 · 17/06/2010 15:27

How old will she be?

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StealthPolarBear · 17/06/2010 15:20

not sure, I suppose you could just ask them
am wondering similar with DD - she's going soon and I can either kill myself expressing or let her go without milk all day.


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