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19 replies

Hai1988 · 27/04/2010 13:07

AIBU to be annoyed that I got a letter this morning staying my son has to go to nursery on Thursday in fancy dress how.
How am I supposed to get the sorted in 4 days, as I have no money in the bank until Friday.

I know that it is not compulsory but how is DS gonna feel if he is the only one not in fancy dress

OP posts:
fernie3 · 29/04/2010 12:54

It is annoying when you dont get much notice we had 2 days notice that my son needed to dress as a bug. My son (3.5) has this wierd thing with clothes where he gets upset at clothes he doesnt "know" so I had to cut up and old t shirt and seew black dots on it to make him a ladybird. Not the best costume ever but the nursery wouldnt have thanked me if I had sent him in "unfamiliar" clothes!

Hai1988 · 29/04/2010 12:52

Thank you all for ur suggestions i deicded to go for harry and the bucket full on dinosaws, put a H on his cap and gave him his bucket and filled it with dinosaws lol

OP posts:
ConnorTraceptive · 28/04/2010 11:26

pants on over his trousers and some on his head - there's loads of books about pants!!

WitchyWooWoo · 28/04/2010 11:24

a white sheet, belt and a crown of leaves.. julius ceaser :D

anything can be done with some things lying around the house and some glue :D

bruffin · 27/04/2010 16:02

A black cloak with a hood is invaluable.

DS used it for

A Dementor from Harry Potter - add a scary mask

Professor Quirrel - smart clothes plus cape for school teacher. Scary mask on back of the head held on with a turban

and lots of Halloween parties with scary mask etc

Wheres Wally is quite easy.

stripey top, glasses and red and white bobble hat

Dr Doolittle _ make a cardboard top hat with black cardboard and stick little animals around rim,smart clothes with a little animal coming out of pocket

Mouseface · 27/04/2010 15:30

Toy Story - Woody's a cowboy.

Seabright · 27/04/2010 14:13

I've done cowboy before - cheap & easy. There must be a book with a cowboy in

brook1 · 27/04/2010 13:30

Try not to panic. 4 days notice is not that bad and you really dont have to spend a penny. The best ones dont cost anything in my opinion.

Horrid Henry - blue jumper & ruffled hair.


Robber - from 101 Dalmations, dressed all in black with a black mask (could even paint it on if you have no black card & elastic) and a swag bag.

scurryfunge · 27/04/2010 13:23

Make some cardboard rounded glasses, find a stick and go as Harry Potter

Condensedmilkaddict · 27/04/2010 13:23

Great idea Fab - Mr Bump perfect.

Iklboo · 27/04/2010 13:23

Don't send him in then tell the teacher he came as the Invisible Man

Horrid Henry
Harry & his Bucketful of dinosaurs (normal clothes, dinosaurs from £1 shop)
Huckleberry Finn (dungarees)

Poledra · 27/04/2010 13:20

Short, T-shirt and a bucketful of dinosaurs?

FabIsGoingToGetFit · 27/04/2010 13:18

x- post

there you are, Mr Bump.

FabIsGoingToGetFit · 27/04/2010 13:18

YANBU to be annoyed but it isn't really that big a deal.

Most kids have dressing up clothes and if not normal clothes can be used.

BTW he won't be the only one not dressed up ime.

Dress him all in white - a ghost.
All in yellow - a banana.
All in black - a stick of licquorice.
All in blue with white bandages wrapped round him - Mr Bump.

Hai1988 · 27/04/2010 13:17

yeh it has to be a book character

OP posts:
kreecherlivesupstairs · 27/04/2010 13:14

Grubby, scruffy with unbrushed hair could be Horrid Henry, artful dodger or any other boy in a 'boys' story. wit

Mouseface · 27/04/2010 13:11

How about a pirate?

Stripy t-shirt, pants rolled up? You can make a patch and a sword, a bit of cardboard and some foil around it?

Draw a beard on him?

Is there a certain theme?

FrazzleRock · 27/04/2010 13:09

DS had to be in a garden themed outfit yesterday.
Seems they selected which parents to tell as I didn't know anything about it and neither did a few other mothers.
DS was not impressed

Iklboo · 27/04/2010 13:08

4 days? You're lucky - we usually get told the day before

Is there a theme?

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