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to think that since DH has been galvanised into full carpenter/decorator mode

5 replies

OrmRenewed · 24/04/2010 20:00

because we are putting the house on the market, he could have done it years ago so we didn't have to live in a fucking squat all this time?

He has painted the kitchen, filled in all the holes in the plaster and the ceiling, touched up the woodwork and generally made it look lovely. And more tomorrow.

Which is lovely.
Of course.

But why has it taken so long? He's spent 7 years building and fixing other people's houses? Why not ours?

BTW I have not been idle! I have 'refreshed the grout' in the bathroom, scrubbed all the skirting boards, vanquished the pile of papers in the kitchen, re-planted the hanging basket. But I do these things often.

OP posts:
OrmRenewed · 24/04/2010 22:31

taffeta - funny you should say that about the showers.... same here!

OP posts:
taffetacat · 24/04/2010 21:30

every place we lived in we survived without a shower until a few months before we sold on

got the showers here 6 months ago after living here 4 years without. I am never moving

thumbwitch · 24/04/2010 21:13

That is so true! Of all the builders/builders' wives I know.

OrmRenewed · 24/04/2010 21:10

It is!

I look round the kitchen now and 4 years after having a new kitchen it actually looks finished and bright!

Never marry a builder if you want a perfect home.

OP posts:
thumbwitch · 24/04/2010 20:04

YANBU but it isn't an uncommon thing.

I lived in a house as a lodger for a coupld of years and in all that time it had hideous 70s wallpaper and a painted face at the bottom of the stairs - just a few brush strokes with magnolia paint, that the landlord had done when he first moved in (about 5years previously) and then never actually painted anything else. He only painted properly when the house went on the market too. And changed the kitchen worktops and got a new sink.

Bloody irritating, innit!

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