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To not want my 18 month old dd to be pigeon holed as shy?

7 replies

poshsinglemum · 14/01/2010 21:20

Some of my mum friends have irritated me beyond belief as when their dd or ds has shoved or been rough with my dd and she runs away from them they keep telling me that my dd is shy. She dosn't want to be shoved fgs.
She is also a bit shy when strangers come into the house but soon warms up and starts playing with them. She often smiles and waves at people.

My dd is a happy, confident little bunny but I'm beginning to get annoyed when my mates say she's shy when other kids knock into her accidentally etc.

They are all toddlers. My dd smiles and plays with other toddlers when they are being friendly. Just because she dosn't barge into them first etc dosn't mean she is shy. She sometimes accidentally barges into them and they get upset.

Besides lots of toddler's get upset and want mummy whenthere is too much action.

Of course when theyre kids are upset then no big deal is made of it and they are not thought to be shy.
I hate my dd being pigeon holed as shy when she is 18 months old!


OP posts:
kinnies · 14/01/2010 21:38

I often find that some parents who go on about how 'confident' their tots are, have loud spoilt kids who grow up to be right little sods loves.

Henrietta · 14/01/2010 21:32

I think that kids do listen to labels as they get older if they hear them often enough- but you could counteract it by saying "well maybe at first but shes very sociable and plays reeeeeealy well with the other kids, good at sharing etc emphasize her good qualities in her hearing.... (doesnt push and shove?) My daughter is quiet at first but now at school and quite popular with others from comments I've had now

cory · 14/01/2010 21:24

what kinnies said

same thing happened in our toddler groups, but none of those labels have stuck, children change so much anyway

children have to be far far older than that for labels to penetrate with them

and by that time they will have changed many times over

LoveBeingAMummy · 14/01/2010 21:24

Its a back handed why of describing their kids. yanbu

btw your dd sounds lovely and like mine

poshsinglemum · 14/01/2010 21:23

i hope not. she's fine and very bold.

OP posts:
poshsinglemum · 14/01/2010 21:23

I sometimes think that such parents use their kids as an extension of themselves.
''Oh look how confident my child/I am as they are not frightened of rugby tackling your dd. They are so much more confident than you/your dd.''

OP posts:
kinnies · 14/01/2010 21:22

I know what you mean, but it will make no difference to her.

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