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To keep mumsnet to myself.....

15 replies

NKfffffffffe9 · 03/12/2009 22:38

I am not a mum but love mumsnet for its amusing and interesting gossip and (very) occasionally post here (mostly preferring to read).

My own (single) Mum, now an empty-nester would love mumsnet, especially the support and advice it could offer her, and I know once introduced (being naturally generous and gregarious) she would introduce her friends, several of whom I know it could quickly become an invaluable aid.

However, I love the anonymity of mumsne and have once posted on a sensitive issue, and once my mum is online too I know this privilege will be lost- she would be hurt that I didn't turn to her first.

So I'm attempted to keep your lovely advice all to myself- AIBU?

OP posts:
ChristmasMoon · 04/12/2009 10:16

send her to Netmums by 'mistake'

passionberry · 04/12/2009 10:14

YANBU I have been coming on here for nearly 2 years and nver mention it to anyone! When I discovered it I wasn't a parent so I felt a bit shy of posting and mainly just lurked -now I am pregnant I sometimes mention to DH "this parenting forum I sometimes look at"

I don't want to come across anyone I know on here! When I told my friend I was pregnant she suggested netmums which was a relief!

OrmIrian · 04/12/2009 10:11

YANBU. Tis a sanctuary.

FimbleHobbs · 04/12/2009 10:06

YANBU I don't share mumsnet with anyone (that I know of!) [looks over shoulder]

Brunettelady · 04/12/2009 10:06

How do you get threads deleted? I didn't know that you could.

wukter · 04/12/2009 10:00

could you get your old sensitive threads deleted? yabu, i like the anonymity of mn.

sorry only one hand free to type

Brunettelady · 04/12/2009 09:24

I wouldn't want certain people to know about mumsnet either as I have asked for advice and I think I could be identified quite easily and that scares me a bit as there could be some unpleasentness if I was found out!

AmericanHag · 04/12/2009 04:47

YANBU at all. But, I'm biased. I don't tell anyone I know about MN because then I couldn't bitch about them freely here. Not that I ever would.

Geocentric · 03/12/2009 23:20

I completely understand! Even though I've told a couple of friends about MN, I've "forgotten" to give them any links, site address of even point them properly in the right direction... It's MINE I tell you, all MINE!!!!!

NKfffffffffe9 · 03/12/2009 23:18

Lol tethersend, I am a newish poster and for a second there I was afraid I had made a massive mumsnet faux pas!

Frakkinaround, I just feel teh sort of personal details of the situation I was asking for advice about would make me quite clearly identifiable. I'm seeing her at Christmas, and we always have a little ' update-on-the-computer ' lesson. Usually along the lines of iplayer, or 4od or itunes or the like. One new shiny computerised toy at a time.

OP posts:
frakkinaround · 03/12/2009 22:48

How would she know it was you?

But possibly more practically, how would you introduce it to her?

YA a bit U but I totally understand why.

Rudolphtherandomreindeer · 03/12/2009 22:47

yep thats ..........

tethersend · 03/12/2009 22:45

Oh no, hang on, that's something else.

tethersend · 03/12/2009 22:44

The first rule of mumsnet...

...Do not talk about mumsnet.

TinyPawz · 03/12/2009 22:43

I think you are.....but my mum is a complete technophobe so I'll never have to worry.

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