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to not take DS's coat to school

31 replies

123andaway · 20/10/2009 14:59

Im having an ongoing battle with DS2 over taking his coat to school. He will wear it there, then take it off at the gate and give it to me to take home. Everyday I tell him he may need it at school/on the way home, to which he replies 'Whatever!' - well he doesn't actually say that - but that's the gist of it!!!

So far he hasn't missed the coat, but today its POURING with rain.

So should I not take the coat and let him get wet and cold just to make a point?!?

He's 9, and the walk home is about 15 mins.

Its a new coat from Next which he chose himself, so it's not like Im sending him in something really horrid.

Quick answers leaving in 10 minutes!

OP posts:
TrillianSlasher · 20/10/2009 21:32

Well, what did you do? Will you report back in 4 days to tell us if DS has a cold?

deaddei · 20/10/2009 21:30

Hope you don't get a dodgy tummy or sunstroke bernadette

bernadetteoflourdes · 20/10/2009 19:24

I am calm I am packing for lovely foreign holday away from all these nasty colds and germsxx

MuttOfTheBaskervilles · 20/10/2009 19:14

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bernadetteoflourdes · 20/10/2009 19:00

Mutt of the Baskerville Well Done You! Perhaps you have the secret immunity but others aren't so lucky my BF, DD2 andDF all caught pneumonia last year. DD2's Pneunonia developed after getting chilled to the bone on a cold wet cross country run at school. Cold, wet damp conditions can provide the magic trigger to the cold virus and the Victorians were mostly right in this assumption. It is not an Old Wives tale I can let you have the name of DD'S ENT Specialist who confirmed this, but I expect you are an expert virologist too!

Emprexia · 20/10/2009 18:55

lol, my DS has had a cold the last couple of days.. well, a sniffle and a temp.. all he's done is sleep and cuddle.. and moan.. i could do without the miserable moany crying, lol.

hanaboo · 20/10/2009 18:52

lmao at the mental pic of mitsubishi's kids in the garden in their underwear

madamearcati · 20/10/2009 18:49

My DH wears shorts and T shirts nearly all the year round and never seems to be ill.

TheMitsubishiWarrioress · 20/10/2009 18:43

hanaboo.., yeah, with gruff little voices and big eyes..'mummy I love you, can I have another drink please?n'


MuttOfTheBaskervilles · 20/10/2009 18:37

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hanaboo · 20/10/2009 18:37

oooooooooh don't u just love ill kids? horrible i know, but dd will just lie quietly on the sofa all day asking for cuddles ;)

bernadetteoflourdes · 20/10/2009 18:36

UnexpectedWasabi Well said, Cold wet weather helps exacerbate cold virus which is why there are fewer colds in warm dry summers.
MuttoftheBaskerville nip ouside now love wihout your waterproofs and stand around for half an hour and see if you remain Cold free for the next week. Ibet you will have a red nose and it is mainly through the nose that the Cold virus makes its presence known!

TheMitsubishiWarrioress · 20/10/2009 18:35

Beats me ABeta.... Three hours I spent going around a * shopping centre to get DS the perfect school coat that suited my budget but was 'cool' for him, I found him an appropriately labelled one for £20 which is a good job because it doesn't get worn.

123, I wouldn't have taken it, (my DS is a real sweetie when he is ill though!!).

ABetaDad · 20/10/2009 18:17

Why do kids do this? Our DSs Prep all have to have coats at school (although a few forget) but once they get to senior school they all refuse to wear coats. Why is that?

Emprexia · 20/10/2009 18:15

"Going outside with a wet head in winter won't make you sick, but cold weather can make you more susceptible to catching a bug. However, it's not the temperature, but the humidity (or lack thereof) that's to blame. Scientists have shown that cold winter air (which is less humid than warm summer air) can dry out the mucus lining of your nasal passages, making it easier for viruses to get in and make you sick."

Thats off the how things work website.

deaddei · 20/10/2009 18:15

Serve him right.

hanaboo · 20/10/2009 18:08

well if germs flourish in warm damp environments then it is getting wet that causes colds because after a child gets wet on the way to school or at break/lunchtime he then comes inside and gets warmer and damp!

thirdname · 20/10/2009 18:03

PAper in British Medical Journal found (healthy ) people exposed to ice or something were more likely to catch a cold.

But if dc don't want a coat, that's fine by me.

MuttOfTheBaskervilles · 20/10/2009 17:58

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Emprexia · 20/10/2009 17:50


Rain doesnt cause a cold but there is some proof that being cold makes the immune system sluggish and gives virus/germs more chance of taking hold.

Goblinchild · 20/10/2009 17:43

My school has a rule that every child needs to take a waterproof, many don't bother.
I was on duty today, it was raining lightly and we stayed out. A significant number of children breaking the rule got very damp, dried out over the next hour or so just in time for a damp lunch play.
Oh well.
At 9, your son shouldn't be having a personal slave to carry his stuff, let him get wet. He can have a hot shower when he gets in.

MayorNaze · 20/10/2009 16:46

ds is 10. he has yet to wear a jumper this term, never mind a coat . he is still also wearing shorts. i figure he is old enough to know when he is cold/wet. his problem


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MuttOfTheBaskervilles · 20/10/2009 16:42

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bigchris · 20/10/2009 16:40

i would have taken it because nine year olds with colds are grim!

MuttOfTheBaskervilles · 20/10/2009 16:40

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