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to be annoyed at having to find somewhere else to buy pants now that M&S have changed their sizing?

26 replies

BellaBear · 26/09/2009 14:40

So, I stroll along hoping to pick up some of my boring usual 12-14s when to my shock and horror I am mildly perturbed by the new sizings of 10-12 and 14-16. So I pick up the 14-16 on the basis that I am actually a 14 and go to pay.

But when the assistant takes them of the hanger, they are ginourmous!! (is that a real word)

Try them on and they fall off me. Try the 10-12s and they are unsurprisingly a tad snug.

I have been buying M&S pants longer than I care to remember and I am a little heartbroken. And possibly need to lose some weight.

Can anyone suggest somewhere else to buy nice pants that are a bit colourful and a size 14? Or preferably a 13.

NOTE: all pant-trying-on was done over the OP's own underwear.
OP posts:
RustyBear · 27/09/2009 18:24

Just checked the M&S knickers I bought recently and they are just size 12, not 10-12 or 12-14 (the no VPL range, most comfortable ones I've ever bought.)

catinthehat2 · 27/09/2009 18:19

I have sacked M&S for knickers.

I am not having their ill-fitting overpriced cotton multipacks in dubious colours ever again. No sirree.

John Lewis now.

kitbit · 27/09/2009 18:17

I am also narked by H&M who do age 2-3, age 3-4 and then 5-6 and 7-8. Grrrrr. We need 4-5 ffs. poor ds's tshirts are either showing all his little ribs or way below his fingertips. argh.

AND M&S no longer do my knicker size.


pjmama · 27/09/2009 18:08

While we're bashing M&S, I've been today. I asked an assistant if they had the jumper I was waving at her in a different size. This was her reply;

"We can't do stock checks any more, you'll just have to look for it. And we can't check with other stores either, you have to do it yourself online." I asked if they had terminals in store so I could, do just that and she said no.

Is it just me or is that a bit crap?!

What's happening to our good old reliable M&S!!!??

BellaBear · 27/09/2009 12:58

I could get the 10-12s on (which suggests they would be a bit big for a size 10) but they were tight and would have given me very VPL. And wouldn't have been comfy.

OP posts:
Blondeshavemorefun · 27/09/2009 11:28

sizes annoy me

normally 10/12 or 14/16

im a slightly rounded 12

so 10/12 fit but snug as my bum is not a 10

14/16 fall down/saggy


why cant they be size 10,12,14,16 etc

you dont buy jeans/skirts in 10/12

BellaBear · 27/09/2009 11:01

"Size 13's of the world unite and campaign to stop this travesty!!"

Now that's what I should have called this thread!

OP posts:
pjmama · 27/09/2009 11:00

I hate HATE HATE it when shops only do 10-12 and 14-16!!!!

Size 13's of the world unite and campaign to stop this travesty!!

Nothing worse than ill-fitting uncomfortable knickers...

Anya4 · 27/09/2009 10:55

BHS ones seem to have been the same size for years and their multipacks are really comfy !

BellaBear · 27/09/2009 10:48

the lovely shop assistant did say there had been quite a few comments from customers re the new sizes. I didn't realise they had done it before.

OP posts:
BellaBear · 27/09/2009 10:46

you know I used to say knickers. I don't know where 'pants' crept in from

OP posts:
moondog · 27/09/2009 10:39

Please don't say 'pants'.
It's a vile word.
Only 'knickers' will od.

OrmIrian · 27/09/2009 10:37

I remember them doing this before. I was talking to a friend in the pub about how annoying this is (not mentioning specific sizes). DH butted in and announced the world - "yeah, I have to buy her a size 14-16 now! "

BTW I would like a 13 too. And sometimes even an 11 (not now sadly) I am never a true size in any shop.

mablemurple · 27/09/2009 10:32

They've done this again??? They tried this trick a number of years ago and the outcry was such that they reverted back to the 12-14 sizing pretty sharpish. Can't believe they have been so stupid as to try it again

gingernutlover · 27/09/2009 10:29

i got my last lot from primark, they do nice multi pack

or la senza, lovely knickers

BellaBear · 27/09/2009 10:16

size 13 does have a ring to it, doesn't it?

might go to Muji then! Love being 'small'

OP posts:
dearprudence · 27/09/2009 09:18

I would happily buy my knickers from another shop if I could have a size 13 arse.

echt · 27/09/2009 09:16
echt · 27/09/2009 09:15

Why does the emoticon not work?

echt · 27/09/2009 09:15

I meant: o.

But while I'm at it, for really loopy sizing, try Muji. You're always small.

echt · 27/09/2009 09:12

On a recent visit to the UK I was gratified that suddenly size 10 was just OK in M and S knickers. In the past I'd always gone for 14 just in case, but even 12 were generous. I am size 12.

This is a relief as 14 in Bonds - the archetypal Aussie knicker - cuts me right up the doodah. :0

BellaBear · 27/09/2009 08:55

I don't think M&S is going to the dogs. I just want to be able to buy their pants. But I can't

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misspollysdolly · 26/09/2009 21:32

If there was a topic that started all threads 'Am I imagining it, or...' mine would end '... is M&S going to the dogs...?' Nuff said really...

BellaBear · 26/09/2009 15:54

yes, think I will try JL, good idea.

It WAS the single ones!

OP posts:
CNyle · 26/09/2009 15:31

i alwyas just buy singel size ones there

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