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To think it should be LAW that babies have to wear rompers and dungarees?

42 replies

TAFKAtheUrbanDryad · 10/09/2009 09:27

Because they look SO CUTE! Just been looking through my ds' baby photos and although he wore dungarees and rompers sometimes, I had a lot of clothes given to me which were just mini adult clothes. I'm going to keep dd in baby clothes for as long as possible!

On a practical note, surely trousers are a PITA when babies are crawling? Don't they just get tangled up?

OP posts:
crankytwanky · 14/09/2009 21:58

With my first, I thought I had to "dress" her properly all the time.
I know better now!
DC 3 will wear naught but rompers (with no feet, as my children seem to be long with enormous plates-of meat), and OshKosh, when bigger.

DH refused to put DS (2) in jeans yeaterday.


TAFKAtheUrbanDryad · 11/09/2009 12:38

Dd and i are still in our pyjamas. I tend to buy cheap Tesco sleepsuits and cut the feet off as she hates having anything on her feet!

Ds doesn't wear dungarees anymore as not very practical for potty training, but when he is better at letting me know when he needs to go I've got some gorgeous OshKosh ones that my friend gave me!

OP posts:
fizzpops · 11/09/2009 12:28

I can't remember when my DD stopped wearing sleepsuits or variations of same during the day. But she was such an alert baby always with eyes wide open and peering round that I felt she seemed more grown-up and they just didn't suit her. For the same reason I stopped holding her lying down early on as she was much happier being able to see what was going on.

I couldn't care less what other people dress their children in and don't see why anyone should care what I dress mine in so YAB totally U

MaMight · 11/09/2009 12:20

YANBU. Where's a petition? I'll sign.

Trousers and tops were hopeless for my two because they were shaped like beach balls with little chubby arms and legs sticking out, and a chinny, grinny head on top.

Ds is 17 months and I've recently branched out into soft shorts (elasticated) and t-shirts. Mostly though he wears either an all in one (romper?) or just his nappy (nice wrap) and a t-shirt. I must admit he does look a bit odd next to all the other little boys in their funky jeans and trainers and jackets and stuff, but stuffit, he's comfortable which is really the only thing that matters. Looking edibly scrumptious is just a bonus!

Habbibu · 11/09/2009 12:12

Hmm - am with you on looking like babies, but i HATE dungarees...

bronze · 11/09/2009 12:08

I kind of agree but I'm so lazy ds 5mths is still mainly in babygros except when its too hot and then rompers. I'm assuming you allow babygros in your rule so YANBU

Squidmission · 11/09/2009 12:04

Yanbu! I love dungarees on babies!
I bought some size age 4 dungarees in the Next sale last year for ds1 as I figure that'll be definitely the last time I'll be able to put him in dungarees

Asana · 11/09/2009 11:48

In solidarity with the OP, I went out yesterday and bought my DS his first set of dungarees. He's yet to do a poopy with them on, but time will tell whether they prove as easy as rompers when it comes to changing his diaper ... Anything for an easy life, me

Whilst on the subject of baby clothes, I keep wondering why more shops don't do t-shirts with a popper extension to stop the t-shirt riding up? I bought a couple from Pumpkin Patch a month ago and have to say that they're brilliant (I use them with the sole pair of trousers I bought my DS). I really dislike it when I see t-shirts riding up on babies with their poor little tummies all exposed. There's always the option of using a vest with poppers underneath but then don't they get too warm (plus the t-shirt still rides up regardless)?

cyteen · 11/09/2009 11:14

Yes, I hate jeans for babies.

crocdundee · 10/09/2009 21:27

Absolutely - bring on the dungaree law! And while we're at it can we please have a big bonfire of jeans for babies?!

TAFKAtheUrbanDryad · 10/09/2009 16:48

Ds wore dungarees for a long time as he was very windy and waistbands on his tummy seemed to make him very uncomfortable. Dd sometimes wears dresses but only short ones so they don't get rucked up!

I have loads of pretty pairs of dungarees for dd, Next are especially good for them, I'm going to try and keep her in pink as long as I can, being a redhead it's not going to suit her forever!

OP posts:
qwertpoiuy · 10/09/2009 16:46

When my dd1 was 2, she was in the habit of pulling off her nappy after doing a poo and twice manged to slather the contents over the settee and walls - v.pleasant job cleaning that up.
I thought of putting dungarees on her, but could I get them anywhere - no! I ended up buying 6 pairs on e-bay and then this problem was solved.

cjones2979 · 10/09/2009 16:41

My DS2 was a year old last week & still wears babygro's and romper suits a lot of the time as they are much more comfortable than jeans & T-shirts etc. He is desperately trying to walk & really struggles to pull himself up or crawl when he has "clothes" on.

Also, I like babies to look like babies so therefore I don't think you are BU.

BouncingTurtle · 10/09/2009 16:11

I do find that dungerees and cloth nappies don't really go... they don't seem to have enough room in them.

Funnily enough my ds only crawled for about a month before he started cruising.

KittyTN · 10/09/2009 16:04

YANBU at all!
I love babies in babygros - practical and so cute. I am probably v u but I hate adult clothes on lttle babies esp t shirts with slogans e.g. lock up your daughters. Very poor taste IMHO.

heartmoonshadow · 10/09/2009 15:53

i love little dungarees on my baby boy he is sooooo cute in them. I also like rompers, it just keeps them a baby.

although DH did say one pair of dungarees made him look like a Dex's midnight runner (sorry no idea how to spell)

littleducks · 10/09/2009 15:48

I think it is partly a second child thing, dd wore clothes but then i realised how quickly she had grown up so ds was in sleepsuits/rompers to 6 months then dungarees and bodysuits (and is still in dungarees 90% of the time at 18 months)

Dh however cant cope with dungarees or sleepsuits though he has just sussed tights now dd is 3 (though tbh she can do them herself now) he found them impossible too

Scotia · 10/09/2009 15:42

YANB at all U! I love little babies to look like little babies and not minature adults. mY DS looks silly in jeans and things anyway because he's a wee baldy

No, seriously, each to his own and all that, but I like my rompers and dungarees and little hand knitted cardigans for babies.

mumofeve · 10/09/2009 15:41

YANBU. My DD was in babygros in the nightime until she was over 2 (I bought loads of 2-3 ones which I had to look everywhere for, and then realised they weren't ideal first thing in the morning when potty training!). My DS (5mo) is such a long baby, that he is nearly out of 6-9m babygros length-wise, but not width-wise unfortunately. As a result I have had to buy him some pyjamas . I intend to buy extra pairs of dungarees to make up for it tho !

FaintlyMacabre · 10/09/2009 15:34

YANBU. My next child is going to wear babygros until s/he can crawl, rompers until walking and then dungarees for ever. However, I should probably get pregnant before making these statements!

CultureMix · 10/09/2009 15:21

Agree with bigmouth, although I like the look of them, most dungarees don't seem to fit my DSs - the bib section is always too long and ends up covering half his face. For those that do fit, the other essential is a vest (with poppers) underneath, a T-shirt riding up the back must be so uncomfortable for the child.

Now that we're getting into potty training, dungarees are far too complicated, give me an elasticated waistband any day.

More generally though, I avoid dressing my DS in mini-grownup clothing, especially the goth black/skull look. Ugh - they grow up so quickly anyways, I want to enjoy that sweet baby stage.

Hando · 10/09/2009 10:52

Ah they're babygrows without the feet and with poppers underneath.

Look good on boys but a bit odd on girls IMO. Also I found front poppers much easier.


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cyteen · 10/09/2009 10:50

Agree with Bertie about babygros not working for crawling babies. Until he was 10mo I would happily let DS stay in his pyjamas all day (so adorable!) but as soon as he started crawling that had to change as he was constantly getting in a muddle with the flappy feet.

Also, he never really suited dungarees, they make him look like he should be out plowing fields. Trousers and tops look much better on him and are less faff.

RustyBear is right about dresses being a pain for crawling girls, too. My friend understandably likes to dress her v pretty DD in pretty dresses, but when she was crawling it was a constant parade of trips and faceplants.

Hando · 10/09/2009 10:50

I actually have no idea what Rompers are, so will have to google before I say whether my dd wore them as a baby or not.

She did have little outfits, many as presents and loads I purchased whilst pregnant. Little did I relaise a 3 piece pink frilly dress, cardi and matching "knickers" is a total PITA and a all in one baby grow with feet or just a poppered very is so much easier!

Bigmouthstrikesagain · 10/09/2009 10:49

I love dungarees and babygros but as my babies have looong bodies I have trouble getting ones that fit properly (ie not dangly legs and sleeves while poppers are straining at the crutch). so I have bought a load of velour trousers and plain vests and tops as dd is 10 months and crawls everywhere. They do the job.

I love my 3 yo dd in dungarees but they are not terribly practical for using the toilet in a rush! so on a purely practical basis yabu. Once dd2 is walking I will put her in dungarees if I can find them to fit though!

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