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I think I am.....or maybe I am not....oh i dunno

184 replies

TheLadyEvenstar · 08/09/2009 22:33

DS1 started secondary yesterday. He wants me to let him come home alone tomorrow.....I am scared shitless (putting it bluntly) he has only ever travelled alone once before!

Mornings are of the teachers travels on the same bus and she has said she will watch out for him in the mornings.

I want him to stay my babyyyyyyyyyyy

OP posts:
thesunshinesbrightly · 11/09/2009 16:01

how cute

TheLadyEvenstar · 11/09/2009 15:43

atm i am giggling ds2 has got himself dressed in shoes pj top and a nappy and now saying bye bye mama

OP posts:
thesunshinesbrightly · 11/09/2009 15:31

aww bless him, no doubt he will get the hang of it soon.
oh thats good news, dont hide that you are angry i dont blame you at all, we are all here if you need to vent.

TheLadyEvenstar · 11/09/2009 15:26

TheSun, we are fine, I just called him to remind him which bus to get on lol.

I spoke to school earlier and they are trying to identify the shits kids who hit him and they are going to be expelled.

OP posts:
thesunshinesbrightly · 11/09/2009 15:18

how are you and d.s today??

AtheneNoctua · 11/09/2009 09:09

Oh Shabba, two of your sons died.

shabbapinkfrog · 10/09/2009 23:23

No problem my friend. We all have our opinions and thats the good part of MN - I love a debate

I 'childmind' my only grandchild - another sweet little lad (15 months old) God help him when he gets to school - his Gran will be parked at the gates hitting folk who hurt him with her zimmer frame

ChookKeeper · 10/09/2009 23:20

oops sorry TLE - I hate it when people post having not read the whole thread and I've just done it myself

shabba - I do agree that our own expereinces colour our decisions about our own kids and I have had some very bad experiences in my life which have made me determined that my kids won't carry my insecurities.

Not saying that my way is any better than anyone elses, just my pov

shabbapinkfrog · 10/09/2009 23:07

Chook whilst I can see where you are coming from I dont agree with you - which is the point of the AIBU threads. I think the Mums on here who think that the OP is not being unreasonable have 'gone through' traumatic events and that always 'colours' our decisions. I would love my DS4 to be ultra confident and popular etc etc but it wouldnt stop me being nervous and worried about him. I have buried two of my four sons and that fear will live with me until I die. Its a scary world.

I would love to have not experienced bereavement but Im working 'through' it and we are 'getting there' wherever the hell 'there is'.

TheLadyEvenstar · 10/09/2009 23:02

Chook tut tut you are so behind lol he has been to and from school alone for the last 2 days.

OP posts:
TheLadyEvenstar · 10/09/2009 23:01

Shabba was looking @ your pics Tom isn't fat

OP posts:
ChookKeeper · 10/09/2009 22:59

YABU - one of my favourite analogies about child rearing is to treat them like springs. Let them go slowly and they'll stay with you but hold them tightly until you 'have' to let them go and they'll jump right out of your reach .

Please give him this little bit of independence (and avoid him having the pee taken for being a 'mommy's boy) .

shabbapinkfrog · 10/09/2009 22:58

Sun - Im very overweight - over the last 9 years have managed to loose 7 stone but Im still fat. I dont give a flying fuck bugger. Mind you I will be 53 at Christmas and the years have given me confidence. My theory is 'If you dont like the look of me bugger off.'

Tom is so handsome. He has beautiful eyes, a mix of mine and his Dads - my hazely (sp?) green and his Dads blue plus some grey. He is so clever and has a wicked sense of humour. I keep focusing on the brilliant parts of him. Weight is nothing. The person inside is all that matters. I will make him a confident boy I'm determined to do that xx

TheLadyEvenstar · 10/09/2009 22:52

oh aren't kids horrible?

Karl was forever being told run white boy run as the little shits kids chased him. I chose the school he is in because it has a 49/51% ratio of races iyswim? and i was assured there was no bullying there...yeah right.

OP posts:
Stayingsunnygirl · 10/09/2009 22:50

It's heartbreaking, isn't it, shabba? Ds2 was bullied at junior school, and at senior school before we moved, and apart from one incident, I thought that things were going better here. He is so like me - tendency to overweight, struggles with self-esteem, shy, and I blame myself because he's inherited all this from me, and now he's being bullied just as I was.

shabbapinkfrog · 10/09/2009 22:45

Sun - sounds like your DS2 and my DS4 are one and the same person

Tom's last name at school in year 7 was 'Fat, gay boy.' We had the big talk...'Tom I dont care what colour you are, how clever you are, what your sexuality is [massive sniggers from Tom] I LOVE YOU xx

TheLadyEvenstar · 10/09/2009 22:42

I did contact the school at 4.30 and guess what other than the receptionist there was not a single member of staff there.

DS1 has been bullied for so long in his previous school down to racial issues and I am not going to let him go through this school being bullied, he has only been there 4 days and I am going to sort it out once and for all.

I will give him hugs from you all.

OP posts:
thesunshinesbrightly · 10/09/2009 22:37

good girl

me too

Stayingsunnygirl · 10/09/2009 22:37

I think you should contact the school, TLES, and tell them what has happened. For what it's worth, I don't think that any school can entirely eliminate bullying, so what matters is how they deal with it when it happens.

My ds2 has been bullied this term - because he's a bit plump and because he works hard in class, so I rang the school and talked to his form tutor, who was very helpful indeed.

He's talked to the children concerned and both have promised that it won't happen again, plus one has already apologised to ds2. He's also told ds2 that he can come and tell him if anything else happens, and further, stronger action will be taken.

I hope that your son's school deals with this firmly and quickly so that you and he can feel confident that they do deal with problems properly.

shabbapinkfrog · 10/09/2009 22:15

Exactly Sun. Before I had children I was a cocky arrogant sod!! Then I really calmed down when my boys started to arrive When two of my four sons died I sunk into the deepest sadness. About four years ago I met two lovely 'playground mums' they gave me the courage and strength to become the cocky, arrogant sod again I understand now I have to stand up and be counted...I have to express my feelings....I have to fight my kids corners.

Nobody will ever again hurt any of my family - NOBODY. I could take on all of the Gladiators, any boxers, any wrestlers and I would win

thesunshinesbrightly · 10/09/2009 22:10

aww shabba that sounds like a wonderful idea, yeh my childs school roll their eyes too makes you feel awful
But i dont care my son comes first and foremost above anything.

shabbapinkfrog · 10/09/2009 21:58

Awww he sounds so wonderful - please give him a big hug from me. Please let them know you will NOT put up with this. I made such a soddin' stink around June with regards to my lad - if I go into the reception area now I can see them rolling their eyes at each other - MALAKERS (fantastic Greek swear word!!)

I have done my best to make my sons caring, loving, clever young men and I will not compromise my plans.

We have a notebook that is left in Toms room - if he has any worries or fears he writes them in the book. Im not allowed to read it till he is at school and then I can reply to his thoughts. It works well for us. xxxx


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TheLadyEvenstar · 10/09/2009 21:51

He was so upset anyway cos he got the wrong bus and ended up way past home before he realised, phoned me sobbing.....and then i asked where the bruise on his should had come from.....when he told me i hit the roof quietly said i was calling the school.

OP posts:
thesunshinesbrightly · 10/09/2009 20:36

also for any back lashes from my post about talking to the lad.

school doesnt sort it out i will.full stop.
also if they are old enough to touch my son or daughter then they are old enough to deal with consquences.

thesunshinesbrightly · 10/09/2009 20:33

little bastards!!

dont appologise i would have a foul mouth too!
i would go into the school(find out who it is) and have a quite word with the boy, cause if the school is everything like the my childrens schools they preech anti-bullying but it's bullshit
All the other child says is "i didnt mean it"
or"i didnt know" or "he started it" have heard these excuses more times the i was my

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