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to not let my 2.11 dd watch

35 replies

theslightlypeckishcaterpillar · 05/09/2009 15:09

WWe wrestling?

My dh thinks it's ok and I'm being stupid, but I think it's violent and aggressive, and even though it's all fake, she doesn't know that. All dd sees is men beating each other up and I'm concerned she may try to copy it with her friends.

So AIBU or do I need to get a grip?

OP posts:
ElectricElephant · 06/09/2009 21:02


mumeeee · 06/09/2009 21:02


MANATEEequineOHARA · 06/09/2009 19:07

YANBU, WWW is vile. At least Star Wars has a story to it, and the violence is totally different.

LovingTheRain · 06/09/2009 18:49

YANBU at all. My DH's younger brother went through a phase of watching WWW and he kept wanting to try all the moves out! Made him quite violent for a while as he thought it was okay to do that to people

busybutterfly · 06/09/2009 14:28

TAFKA Oh dear, are you my husband in disguise?

theslightlypeckishcaterpillar · 05/09/2009 23:49

We have some relatives visiting at the moment who wanted to watch it. Thankfully, dh isn't really that interested in it, but when I heard what was on, I went in and said I didn't think it was suitable for our dd, he spluttered and laughed and told me I was being ridiculous.

He did turn it off though.

Glad none of you think i'm being a bit pfb with it.

OP posts:
ShannaraTiger · 05/09/2009 22:54

Me and Dp like WWE but only watch it on Sunday lunch time. Ds 2.11 and dd 5.10 just say it's boring and go and play in the bedroom.

weegiemum · 05/09/2009 22:52


But all my kids have seen the original Star Wars, and for one of them, it was before she was 5. Its fine!

Rollmops · 05/09/2009 22:49

YANBU, such absolute nonsense should be zapped, period .

TAFKAtheUrbanDryad · 05/09/2009 22:42


But what's wrong with Star Wars for a 5 year old? I assume you're talking about the proper ones, not the jumped up excuse for a toy advert they released later?

mathanxiety · 05/09/2009 22:39

3littlefrogs, you are right. The DH is trying to justify his own (silly?) interest in WWe and using a completely spurious argument. I think the difference between WWe and sports like rugby is they are all trying to get the ball and score a try in rugby, whereas all they're doing in WWe is mauling each other. Sports are maybe civilised society's way of channeling aggressive impulses into organised form, with rules and a purpose?

alwayslookingforanswers · 05/09/2009 21:42

interesting thread.
I don't think YABU at all. However I do wonder where we draw the line - DS3 (similar age to your DD) loves watching sport on TV - particularly Rugby. My slightly older DS's enjoy watching fencing and judo (only really on during Olympics etc).

StillOverHere · 05/09/2009 21:39

A few years ago I worked with an organization who went into schools to educate teen boys (and girls) in the way society is normalizing violence towards women. The main offender was the WWE. There is a documentary called "Wrestling with Manhood" which shows how this organization normalizes gender violence and perpetuates violence towards women, even though most of what you see is man on man violence. So, you are really, really not being unreasonable.

busybutterfly · 05/09/2009 20:55

YANBU. My DH thinks Star Wars appropriate for DS age 5 AAAAARGH!!
Gets CBeebies only with me!

3littlefrogs · 05/09/2009 18:28

Being a parent involves a degree of self sacrifice - such as not watching WWe wrestling when your 2 year old is awake and in the same room.

CheerfulYank · 05/09/2009 18:21

YAdefNBU! I'm pretty cautious about what my DS watches though.

slowreadingprogress · 05/09/2009 18:17

by you, I mean your DH, clearly!!! No personal insults to you, slightly

slowreadingprogress · 05/09/2009 18:16

agree your DH needs to get a grip. She should be watching something like cbeebies if anything, not utter and complete crap like this. I mean.....why?'s just so easy not to have it on (unless you are being a teeeeensy bit selfish?????)

Tambajam · 05/09/2009 18:02

I don't think it's really OK. She's too little to get the 'it's fake' thing. And even if she could get that she's then learning that people being hurt is a fun thing to watch. Weird on too many levels.

3littlefrogs · 05/09/2009 17:41

How do you "explain it properly" to a 2.11 yr old?????

Corporalcornsilk · 05/09/2009 17:33

No it's not okay. DH needs to get a grip.

IdrisTheDragon · 05/09/2009 17:33

YANBU at all

crokky · 05/09/2009 17:32

YANBU, my DS would copy it (aged 3.5).

Tell him he's got to watch cbeebies.

kathyis6incheshigh · 05/09/2009 17:04


curiositykilled · 05/09/2009 17:04

*if he absolutely won't concede. I mean you don't want him watching it with her in secret.

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