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To think people sell disgusting items on eBay?????

42 replies

LumpyChump · 30/07/2009 12:47

Just looking for a pair of slippers on eBay and people are selling manky, fit for the bin, used slippers!!!!

I've noticed people selling 'well-worn' or used underwear before too.

Is is just me or is this completely sick??

Or are there gross pervs out there who actually buy these things??

Just about to have my lunch too .......!!!

OP posts:
MsSparkle · 31/07/2009 12:40

At a carboot sale i went to there were people selling manky, well worn flip flops! Ewww

Stigaloid · 31/07/2009 12:31

if you are willing to spend £15 - £20 on slippers then go here

They are the most comfy slippers ever and are like Uggs in slipper form - heaven!

babyball · 31/07/2009 12:15

Not sure why people would report this type of listing on ebay. It's pretty damned weird, but if this is what does it for someone, I see no issue!

famishedass · 31/07/2009 09:33

that's not a human thats a dummy

raffyandted · 30/07/2009 23:37

LOL at lambanana! not my fanjo, but IKWYM!

I think it looks like the inside of an elephants trunk. I wish I had the 'art' of selling these things, I saw an auction where people were bidding a fortune for plain white unused pants...not anything remotely sexy about them but the way the seller described them was obviously catering to a very 'specific' buyer, e.g 'you will receive one pair of my beautiful, pristine, virginal white briefs, lovingly wrapped by by own hand', etc. Hilarious!

jemart · 30/07/2009 21:42

seriously though would you actually risk letting the foot perverts know your address?

CaptainDJ · 30/07/2009 21:32

I accidentally discovered this market a while back when looking to sell a pair of unworn ballet pump shoes. Seemed to be the mankier the better!! I did consider selling my smelly old pumps but DH looked too disapproving...

lambanana · 30/07/2009 18:39

that pic looks like a fanjo!

MamaLazarou · 30/07/2009 18:38

Wow, that girl is very pretty.

Fair play to her, making an easy buck out of the foot perverts.

BitOfFun · 30/07/2009 18:33

I called home to make sure DP didn't drop the bag of shoes off at the charity shop today now I am inspired to flog them on eBay. His response? "Well if someone wants to splash out on your old boots, let 'em"

SausageRocket · 30/07/2009 18:28

Her face is weird. She looks like one of those ££££ Real Doll sex dolls. Creepy

Pikelit · 30/07/2009 18:16

She takes an awful lot of polishing up though. Look at that ginormous box of "products" that are included in the last picture. You'd also think she'd get a better camera too but then that's just me being picky...

NormaSknockers · 30/07/2009 18:11

Don't get me wrong I think it's a bit....well....gross but you kind of have to hand it to her, she has found herself an easy way to make a quick penny or two!

brandonsflower · 30/07/2009 17:57

Teehee, I love how she is posing there in her bondage gear- with a primark bag sitting on her sofa!

meemarsgotabrandnewbump · 30/07/2009 17:51

I think some people have no sense of reality £15 for those slippers

I saw a sofa on there the other day. It was bought originally in 1990 - so nearly 20 years old. It was described as comfy but well worn and discoloured (it was originally white, so now grey)

They wanted £250 for it as a starting bid

FlyMeToDunoon · 30/07/2009 17:49

She is weirdly static isn't she.
Boak at the wet toes one.

StripeyKnickersSpottySocks · 30/07/2009 17:48

I like the comments on her profile/ratings. "The best ebayer I've ever come across".

Meglet · 30/07/2009 17:45

I did have loads of old bras I gave to the charity shop the other week.

Part of me wanted to e-bay them to a perv for ££££ but then I figured he would know my address and it might get all stalker-ish, so I decided against it.

brandonsflower · 30/07/2009 17:42

Minging, but I think she has a 'following' clicky
Even I could be persuaded to buy her manky slippers

colnelcustard · 30/07/2009 16:22

had i known of this i would have sold my 6 for a £1 big white pants from Tesco's ages ago and made myself a bit of pocket money.

LumpyChump · 30/07/2009 16:20

I know bad - and she wants £15 for them plus P&P!!!! There is even hairs all over them - stomach churning!!

OP posts:
Pikelit · 30/07/2009 15:34

Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! And there's me thinking there wasn't much left to surprise me! There's also something hideously "anatomical" about the pictures of those pink slippers too.


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GoldenSnitch · 30/07/2009 15:26

Yuk, that is gross. There are some sick people out there.

Wonder how much I could have got for the slippers I wore to hospital that my waters broke over though....

MoonIsATiredSlayer · 30/07/2009 15:10

OMG Lumpy that was like looking up someones nose!

LumpyChump · 30/07/2009 14:52

EWWWW !!!!

gross slippers

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