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to wish that when you are given anti biotics, they wouldn't give

16 replies

2shoes · 23/07/2009 16:51

youa list of scarey side affects....
cos I am now scared

OP posts:
Ledodgy · 23/07/2009 18:26

Oh I know what you mean. I have just taken an acyclovoir tablet (sp) for a cold sore and have also read the leaflet. Although I did have them in 2006 witout any side effects I still panic.

I am allergic to alot of antibiotics inc. Penicillin, erythromicin and clarythromicin so when precribed anti- b's I panic even more!

2shoes · 23/07/2009 17:59

well I presumed it was an absess, it is that or an infection. the dentist had an accent and I couldn't quite get what she said

OP posts:
stleger · 23/07/2009 17:45

I didn't know you could get an absess under a crown. I have 3 crowns. Now I have a new worry!

Natt82 · 23/07/2009 17:38

I always loved Feminax packaging. Meant for period pain. Dont take when pregnant.

2shoes · 23/07/2009 17:36

the dentist said it is very strong as it needs to get to the bone, I have an abssess under a crown.

OP posts:
FattipuffsandThinnifers · 23/07/2009 17:20

Cyber, Tixylix has a warning about not drinking alcohol too. Certainly stopped me in my tracks when I was thinking I'd get ds to down a spoonful with a slug of whiskey.

WarhammerFan · 23/07/2009 17:05

2shoes - What antibiotic is it? And why has it been prescribed?

I'm also on antibiotics, for the first time ever.

Momdeguerre · 23/07/2009 17:03

Just about anything can have side effects - they only warning you of the worst case scenario - I have a MIl who does much the same about everything 'Don't walk to the park, a car might be driving along, lose control and run you over' 'Don't chew gum, you might tip back on your chair and accidently choke to death' Etc etc, terrible story for every possible tenuous situation.

Antibiotics are pretty safe - probably have an many side effects from an untreated infection.

SlartyBartFast · 23/07/2009 17:00

but you wouldnt leave severe diarrhoea anyway would you?

2shoes · 23/07/2009 16:59

it says if you get severe diahrear you have ro ring A&E yikes...I can't even spell it

OP posts:
bunnymother · 23/07/2009 16:59

Sometimes some information is v helpful, though... Am thinking of how nice it would have been for the GP to mention that thrush is a common side effect of the anti biotic she prescribed and that it could (and did!!) impact my breastfeeding

cyberseraphim · 23/07/2009 16:57

I like the warning on 6 months Calpol though - about not driving heavy machinery afterwards !

raffyandted · 23/07/2009 16:57

YABU (but only a bit) Why be scared? Most of the side effects are minor, and if they didn't tell you about the severe ones you'd be even more scared if you got them cos you wouldn't know what was wrong with you. And you wouldn't know that you might need medical help.

sorry, that's probably scared you even more...

SlartyBartFast · 23/07/2009 16:56

and if there is no leaflet i Google it!

SlartyBartFast · 23/07/2009 16:55

i always do that

not good

FattipuffsandThinnifers · 23/07/2009 16:53

Chuck the leaflet away

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