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To interrupt a first birthday party to complain about dog poo?

47 replies

muggglewump · 16/07/2009 17:53

My neighbour (not one of the family if you have read other posts from me), has a dog.
Nice friendly dog, sort of lab size, but who is never walked, just let into the garden.
For the last 2-3 weeks, he's taken to shitting in my garden, pretty much daily. The owner knows and does come and clean up, but only if I ask.

She knows he can jump the fences (they are barely waist height), and I'm fed up with it.

Yes, she cleans up, but sometimes they are (sorry) runny ones that leave smears on the grass, and I've just had ebloodynough.

She's in he middle of a party for her youngest's first birthday.

Should I go over and ask her to clear up the huge turd in my garden?

OP posts:
Mumsnut · 16/07/2009 19:22

Get one of those high pressure washer things to attach to a hose, or maybe a super-soaker, and let fly at dog as it squats. If your aim is right, you should blow him back over the fence.

Seriously, a good squirt up the jackse should deter him from coming over ...

oohLahLahRaver · 16/07/2009 20:00

Couldn't you make a point of spraying disinfectant or similar every time she cleans up. I would be worried that someone who cant be bothered to walk a dog which is basic care IMO wouldn't bother worming. I believe (but prepared to be corrected) worms can live in soil

LaydeeStardust · 16/07/2009 20:07

Build your own fence-I would if I were you!!

katiestar · 16/07/2009 20:15

She has a duty to keep the dog fenced in.You need to tell her that VERY firmly.If she doesn't do anything about it then catch the dog when it comes round.Shut it in the shed and call the council dog warden.
(I would wait until after the party is over though and not embarass her in front of her guests

Greensleeves · 16/07/2009 20:17

If it was a 4th birthday party I'd have said wait. But a 1yo isn't going to be embarrassed or upset

Katie is right though - the dog has no business [pun intended] being in your garden, much less defecating in it. Call the dog warden.

thederkinsdame · 16/07/2009 20:19

That's bloody awful. Defo get a higher fence put up, don'twait for her to do it. I would be tempted to pick it up and deposit on her doorstep. I would be feckin livid!

cocolepew · 16/07/2009 20:19

Lift it with a spade and fire it at her windows.

ilovesprouts · 16/07/2009 20:26

id make her clean it up yanbu,one of my friends who lives a few doors away her next door has 4 dog and the poo is plied so hight its started to rot ,and its even worse when its wet [yuk] my mate has asked him to clean it twice ,but its very rare he does that and in the hot weather ,

HerBeatitude · 16/07/2009 20:29

I would report her to the RSPCA for not walking the dog.

Don't know if they'd do anything about it though.

Farking 'ell, there are such irresponsible people out there allowed to keep dogs aren't there?

oliviasmama · 16/07/2009 20:40

If you see the dog shitting in your garden, spray it with the hose pipe, seriously, it should work. My neighbour does this to his dog to stop it barking at everyone and it seems to work....Make sure you aim up its back side though (!!!) , (not really)in the face really puts them off and certainly does not hurt them at all.

I've always had dogs but I'd be so pissed off with this. The poor dog needs walking.

Wanderingsheep · 16/07/2009 20:41

The dog doesn't get walked? Poor thing! A big dog, like a Labrador, should get at least one big walk a day.

YANBU I would be livid at someone else's dog pooing in my garden! Yuck! It's disgusting! What if it has worms?!

muggglewump · 16/07/2009 21:57

I really can't build up the fence, I've no spare money.

I know now IANBU, I knew that anyway and I know I have to tell her that she must supervise her dog to make sure it stays in her garden.
It seems a happy dog, and it is friendly, so I wouldn't want to report her for not walking it. It yelps when left alone, but our family dog did that when I was growing up, and he was walked four times a day, and only left if absolutely necessary, and never for longer than an hour, so I wouldn't like to judge on that.
It's not a lab, just that sort of size, I said that to give an idea of the size of the poo, rather than a teeny chihuaha poo!

Really though, I've had enough. The fact that she came over today at lunchtime to clean up, when I'd been out since 9.30am and didn't come back till 3pm means she knows and is letting this happen.

Cleaning it is not enough, I know there is shite residue and that's enough to give me the boak every time I go out there.

OP posts:
muggglewump · 16/07/2009 22:04

I was in Poundland today and looked for a cheap water pistol, but they didn't have any.

Would I be U to hit the dog with the line prop?

OP posts:
sameagain · 16/07/2009 22:15

I know it would be very mean, but could you take to leaving your gate open, or maybe a fence panel could be "broken" ?

I'd be furious

geRONtius · 16/07/2009 22:55

Put mouse traps all over and hope that they get its paws. That'll stop it.

pjmama · 16/07/2009 23:06

Its hardly the dog's fault is it? Its the owner that needs a slap.

crankytwanky · 16/07/2009 23:37

Ooh er, stripey.

Lion poo might be, um, nicer.

Ask her to buy some and put it in plant pots or dig it into the borders if you have them.

muggglewump · 16/07/2009 23:48

I would do the mousetraps, but I have a cat so I can't.
No gate, and missing fence panel would mean a million kids in my garden. Never gonna happen!

Does anything that won't kill my cat deter dogs from shitting?

OP posts:
oliviasmama · 17/07/2009 17:12

Keep your eye out for the cheap water pistol

TheChilliMooseisOnTheLoose · 17/07/2009 17:22

Don't hurt the dog. It's not his fault. Does she own her property or is there a landlord you could contact?

Ripeberry · 17/07/2009 17:28

Why can't you just put a trellis on top of your fence? Or get a bigger fence?

Blondeshavemorefun · 17/07/2009 17:48


your neighbours dog comes into your garden and shits, then she MAY come to clean it up

regardless of whose fence it is - she needs to keep the garden properly enclosed and SHE needs to make her HER dog doesnt come into yours

maybe you could just fling them back over her fence using a shovel


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