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to refuse to take ds to play centre.

13 replies

DidEinsteinsMum · 03/07/2009 16:28

Ok it is raining and ds wants to play out, he suggested the play centre instead. But it is so hot he has sweat dripping down his face from messy about in the house and personally i would rather him just play out in the rain. (well today anyway). its too stuffy in the play centres and the rain would keep him cool whilst he is going crazy with energy and activity. But am I being unreasonable?

OP posts:
DidEinsteinsMum · 03/07/2009 17:34

In this heat is is tempting to heat out into rain bathing suit clad just to cool down. I suffer in the heat.

OP posts:
DidEinsteinsMum · 03/07/2009 17:33

Morloth - all the more reason for a bath ds is a mud monster

OP posts:
DidEinsteinsMum · 03/07/2009 17:32

4yo and half 4 is generally best time as it is quieter plus then i can be lazy pick up tea on way home (6pm). Nope he is still happily collecting snails in the rain whislt auntie is having her poison stick (i have been informed) DOesnt want tea he's too busy. So MN for another 20mins before willing victim babysitter is disappearing. a lovely afternoon that i suspect will be follwed by bedtime from hell. Far too stuffy!

OP posts:
imaynotbeperfectbutimokmummy · 03/07/2009 16:56


seeker · 03/07/2009 16:54

I decided she was too old to take photos - she reverted to toddlerdom and rolled round in the paddling pool - it was incredibly sweet!

imaynotbeperfectbutimokmummy · 03/07/2009 16:47

lmao at the mental image of mass nakedness in seekers back garden!

seeker · 03/07/2009 16:36

All clothes off and out into the rain. That's what mine did yesterday - and one of them's 13!!!

thisisyesterday · 03/07/2009 16:34

at half 4???? no way i would be going out to a playcentre at this time in the afternoon

how old is ds?

DidEinsteinsMum · 03/07/2009 16:33

brolly far too dangerous! no just tshirt, trainers and shorts. it all washes

OP posts:
Morloth · 03/07/2009 16:33

Out in the rain is the best option - also means no need for bath! It is a win win situation IMO.

dizzymare · 03/07/2009 16:32

a brolly

dizzymare · 03/07/2009 16:31

God no, play centres are the spawn of the devil. Send him out with an brolly

nickschick · 03/07/2009 16:31

no let him out!!!

playing out in the humid rain is something all kids should enjoy!

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