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in being annoyed at the tin of diet coke in the six month Bounty weaning pack?

77 replies

JollyPirate · 08/05/2009 19:37

Now I am aware that Bounty packs can be an emotive issue but it is my sad lot in life to be around them on a weekly basis. The clinic I work in has recently started taking delivery of both antenatal packs and the 6 month weaning packs. Today I opened one (as I occasionally do to monitor what's inside). There were no end of Hipp Organic sachets, bottles of juice and fruit jars, fruity porridge (of which 36.5g/100g was sugars but hey "no added sugar" prominent on the label) plus samples of washing powder etc and money off coupons.

Then - right at the bottom a small (lunchbox sized) tin of caffeine free diet coke. Now I know this is probably aimed at the parents and NOT the weaning baby (one would hope although with the area I work in anything goes ). But I was pretty gobsmacked to say the least. Worst of all I had a load of Under 1 Year olds coming in for their development check this morning whose parents all came in with a Bounty pack.
I had to do some rapid explaining that they contained tins of diet coke and no I did not advocate them and definitely not for the baby. There was a coke tin shaped advertisement included which talked about how just because you were a new Mum or an expectant Mum you didn't have to give up your favourite soft drink because "hell - we've removed the caffeine". So that's okay then..

Went to my manager straight away afterwards with the offending Bounty pack - she says we are to remove the tins of Coke from the bags and has contacted Bounty to say no more are to be delivered.

Is it me or are Bounty really bad and the bags not worth having? Will women really suffer if we get rid of these bloody bags full of adverts because let's face it they have very little of any value in them.

OP posts:
brettgirl2 · 09/05/2009 14:51


kitbit · 09/05/2009 15:03

But isn't it nice to get a freebie whatever it happens to be? SOME countries don't have anything like that whatsoever, nor bookstart packs, nor..nor...nor...

Yes yes, I live in a ditch, all feel sorry for me!! ...just making the point that actually it might be nice to say "wow, something for nothing. Some stuff I don't want or need but hey ho".

LesAnimaux · 09/05/2009 15:06

I got a free sanitry towel in the post the other day - I wasn't that chuffed.

I really should have been more grateful, shouldn't I?

Paolosgirl · 09/05/2009 17:16

Agree kitbit

I like freebies of any sort - we got free lawn feed through our door yesterday, which pleased me no end. I also like choice, and despite working in health promotion, I like to make my own decisions regarding my nutrition and that of my children. If you don't want or like what's in the bag, then throw it out or say "no thanks". I've been working in the health promotion industry so long even I'm beginning to rebel!

katiestar · 09/05/2009 20:39

I can't really see the problem with a can oof coke.Also cam't see the problem with a sachet of no-added -ssugar porridge ? Can someone entighten me ?

katiestar · 09/05/2009 20:41

sorry for the god-awful typing

AnarchyAunt · 09/05/2009 20:52

The problem with the no-added-sugar ceral was that it was in fact over 1/3 sugar - more than many cereals that have added sugar. And people don't always read or even understand the labels.

Point is that Bounty et al are a way of targetting new parents with advertising for products that are generally shit and unnecessary and in some cases damaging, an they dress it up as kind and caring and oh-so-handy.

It doesn't matter how much people say they are not influenced by the advertising, research shows that it does have an effect. And when baby food samples and diet drinks are pushed on parents with 3/4 month old babies, that can undermine all the positive health messages out there.

Paolosgirl · 09/05/2009 21:46

I don't know - I don't consider a can of diet coke shit and unnecessary. I think the odd can of fizz in rather nice in fact, and those little sprays of dettol, washing powder sachets, fruit pots and money off coupons were all very welcome in this house.

I like to be able to make an adult decision over these things, not be dictated to by anyone.

killerkitty · 09/05/2009 23:36

Since giving my name and address to the Bounty woman in hospital, I've been on receiving end of a mountain of junk mail. So I take great pleasure in sending it all back saying ?Not known at this address - return to sender?.

InsomniacMumontheRun · 09/05/2009 23:43

Kitbit - The Bookstart packs are great .Not full of rubbish that needs binning.

The only things I kept from my last Bounty pack were the Sudocreme and the child benefit form. Rest was binned.

Got annoyed with them when I refused their portrait service, then they kept sending me pigging letters to buy the picture. Grrrr.

Can't stand magazine freebies either.

katiestar · 10/05/2009 12:04

Wouldn't the sugar in the b/fast cereal be down to the sugars in the powdered milk ?

AnarchyAunt · 10/05/2009 12:23

I don't know what the sugar was down to specifically as I haven't seen the ingredients. The point is that the claim, whilst technically true, is misleading as it gives the impression that it is a low sugar product when in fact it is the opposite.

36% sugar is more than in coco pops and the same as in frosties! So hardly a good weaning food despite the no-added-sugar blurb.

nickschick · 10/05/2009 12:34

I looked forward to my freebies I think I got a whole packet of babywipes in mine -8 years ago.

And if the hospital really do get £5 for every one the give out thats good too.

A mini can of coke is not worth the fuss its causing imo.

AnarchyAunt · 10/05/2009 12:39

Its not good though! The hospital may get a fiver for each pack handed out but how much do the health problems associated with early weaning onto sugary foods (tooth decay, obesity for example) cost the NHS?

Because sending out samples of ridiculously sweet first foods to parents of 3/4 month old babies is encouraging early weaning onto those products. Thats why the companies do it.

nickschick · 10/05/2009 12:43

Yes AA I see what you are saying but as others have pointed out the people that would use these samples would be the people that would buy them anyway- I was 19 when I had my first baby and didnt use the free food samples and I cant be sure but Im sure it included 50p off a bottle of baby ribena .

I used to work for the SS with families that needed support and Ive seen things that would make your hair curl - none of these were due to the isolated bounty packs.

AnarchyAunt · 10/05/2009 12:54

Granted its not the worst thing out there. Its just a bit crap really when maternity units have to supplement their budget by allowing commercial organisations to pester new parents for their details so they can be bombarded with advertising for stuff that is, in the main, not healthy or necessary.

Paolosgirl · 10/05/2009 13:12

It's life - no big deal! If you don't like the mountain of junk that comes through the post, what do you do? You chuck it out - just do the same with this lot that you don't want, and keep the stuff you do want.

brettgirl2 · 10/05/2009 13:57

If the claims are misleading Anarchyaunt then it is in fact illegal under the trade description act which covers misleading descriptions. That is a bigger issue than whether it should be in a bounty pack, it in fact shouldn't be on the shelves at all. If you feel strongly about it then I suggest you contact trading standards.

All of this Nanny state shit about the effect of advertising does my head in too. I am perfectly capable of deciding what is healthy and what is not.

mrswoolf · 10/05/2009 14:04

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Paolosgirl · 10/05/2009 14:14

You could argue that with any of the freebies - why bother with wipes when water and cotton wool is recommended? Why bother with dettol spray - good hygiene is just as important and my even encourage lax hygiene. It goes on and on - one tiny size can of diet coke is not needed, but neither is anything else - although I liked getting them. If I was offended or upset by them in some way I would have said "no thanks".

AnarchyAunt · 10/05/2009 16:39

brettgirl2 - you might be able to make an informed choice about what is and isn't healthy without being influenced by advertising claims, but the research is out there to show that generally, people aren't.

Actually the diet coke bothers me far less - IMO its one of the more innocuous things in a Bounty pack.

The 'no added sugar' claim is true - can't see the ASA being bothered. Its just misleading in the same way as putting 'no added sugar' on fruit juice, or honey would be. Ok, so there is none added. Thats because it is already a very high sugar product!

hanaflower · 10/05/2009 21:44

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JollyPirate · 11/05/2009 07:09

... and brettgirl - I personally love diet coke and probably drink far too much of it . It just surprised me to find it in a weaning pack that's all. I love a freebie the same as anyone else.
Believe me though I see too many parents in this area who will stick it in a bottle - that's enough of a problem without them being given it free in a weaning pack. Many have had crap parenting themselves and little education. Granted that they can just go out and buy it - I just don't want to see it in a weaning pack.

OP posts:
HappyMummyOfOne · 11/05/2009 07:43

My 5 month pack had about 200 leaflets, a sachet of baby rice and two baby camomile teabags - things must have changed over the last five years No cereal, jars, fruit jiuce or coke in mine.

Baisey · 11/05/2009 08:20

A few years ago my work gave them away, they had RedBull in them, so they ARE improving!!

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