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To have a glass of wine at 1:30pm?

48 replies

PavlovtheWitchesCat · 15/10/2008 13:28

I have been exhuasted for weeks, have had no time to myself, DD has had serious sleep issues, I have been working over 30 hours a week and getting up at 5am, plus broken sleep.

I have today off work and do not have to drive anywhere for the rest of the day.
DD is now napping and I am going to have a much needed soak in the bath, in bubbles that have been sat waiting to be used for 3 weeks. I have a nice bottle of white, opened already as DH and I had a glass yesterday but I was too tired to enjoy.

I quite fancy, sitting in the tub, covered in bubbles, glass of ice cold wine, and some incense?

AIBU to this, in the afternoon, on a week day?

OP posts:
JustKeepSwimming · 15/10/2008 14:28

sounds like bliss pavlov

i have my decadent baths on monday when ds1 is at nursery while ds2 naps. only have 2 more mondays before i go back to work, boo hoo

JustKeepSwimming · 15/10/2008 14:29

go twofalls! - you are hereby ordered by all MNers not able to, to GO AND HAVE THAT BUBBLE BATH!!!!

more vicarious bathing going on....

GColdtimer · 15/10/2008 14:30

Well that does it then. If it is a MN order, who am I to refuse .

PavlovtheWitchesCat · 15/10/2008 14:31

twofolds here have a glass of chilled wine and pass the rest on to others who wish to partake. Bath is running for you....

OP posts:
JustKeepSwimming · 15/10/2008 14:32


GColdtimer · 15/10/2008 14:34

Thank you very much. Bath is indeed running . Cheers to everyone in your virtual baths!

See you later.

GColdtimer · 15/10/2008 14:35

JKW - you have to make your next two bubble baths extra, extra special then.

Eniddo · 15/10/2008 14:36

I wouldnt

but I would enjoy a cup of tea just as much in a bath like that

PavlovtheWitchesCat · 15/10/2008 14:38

JKS - I agree with twofalls - you have to make sure you get extra special wine, some choccies and an extra half hour in each bath.

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compo · 15/10/2008 14:39

I had a rare day on my own here last Thursday
Unfortunately I didn't stop at one glass and drank 2 thirds of a bottle btw 12pm and 2pm!! Then I got a migraine
My life sucks

PavlovtheWitchesCat · 15/10/2008 14:39

Eniddo - I don't like tea. It would have to be coffee if not wine, and I have drank enough of that to be wired for weeks

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expatinscotland · 15/10/2008 14:45

a cup of tea in a bath, v. a crisp white or bubbly.

no contest.

blech. tea in the bath.

PavlovtheWitchesCat · 15/10/2008 14:53

Expat - exactly. I know for sure that if it had been an opened bottle of red, I probably would not have even thought of it.

Something about crisp cold white wine (or indeed bubbly) with a bubble bath.

Only got to work tomorrow then off til monday...might be due another bath on friday

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Eniddo · 15/10/2008 15:17

I'd feel quite scuzzy drinking alone in the day

bath or no bath

JustKeepSwimming · 15/10/2008 15:23

oooh bubbly would be perfect

alas i don't think i could get away with wine on a monday morning when i have lists of 'to do before i go back to work' jobs!
but the bubbles i shall enjoy all the same!

PavlovtheWitchesCat · 15/10/2008 15:48

Eniddo - I did not feel scuzzy at all...I felt...glorious

And, it has obviously helped, along with the bath, as DD and I have just made crumble for pudding, cleaned up after. Without my relaxing time, made more perfect with crisp white, I would still be sitting here, feeling tired and shite on MN not doing a jot...

...whereas although I am on MN, it is after doing loads (although cleaning of house already done, with promise of bath in sight), and DH only has to cook dinner when he gets in (I can't/don't/won't cook. It would be pasta, or something yuck).

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PavlovtheWitchesCat · 15/10/2008 15:49

compo I only just saw your post! , thats the problem isnt it? ONe glass tastes so nice, another one follows...then its too late, and the headache ensues...

I have stopped...I did refill...but only once, whilst I did my hair.

Now, back to coffee

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PavlovtheWitchesCat · 15/10/2008 15:55

so, now is the question...

scummy vs yummy mummy? (ie indoor relaxing clothes vs nice dress and some jewellery)

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JustKeepSwimming · 15/10/2008 16:01

well to round out the day i would say yummy mummy

PavlovtheWitchesCat · 15/10/2008 16:08

oh good. I have just put on a nice dress and some beads, which DD is currently trying on.

She helped with the decision. She asked to dress like a princess, so I put a lovely party dress on her, all spinny with frills, and she said 'mummy princess too?' So I had to really, we have just been spinning together (although mine is not a spinny dress).

OP posts:
JustKeepSwimming · 15/10/2008 16:20

aww, how cute! i have 2 ds's so not much princess activity here

PavlovtheWitchesCat · 15/10/2008 16:33

DH just called, asking for a lift home (only 20 mins walk up the road but he finished later than he wanted to).

I said 'i can't I have been drinking wine' and he said 'WHAT?!! At 4:30pm?!!!

And I said 'no, actually I started at 1:30pm'!! LOLOLOL.

When I told him it was with a bath and DD was asleep he was fine said 'you got to take it when you can right?'

But his initial reaction was classic!

He is happy to walk, obviously

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JustKeepSwimming · 15/10/2008 16:37


my dh came home earlier than expected so has the boys downstairs and i am hiding chilling out upstairs with laptop
will have to go back down soon to help with tea i suppose....

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