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to take a contract out on DH's ex.

8 replies

BouncingTurtle · 10/08/2008 22:50

Caught your attention? Good coz I need a quick answer

No I don't really want to take a contract out on DH's ex, but she has rung to warn us she thinks dss might have chicken pox - he has 3 spots. We last had him last weekend, so she thought it best to tell us that our ds (7mo) may have been exposed.
Does anyone know how long CP incubates before symptons appear? I'm not hugely worried about him getting it, as I believe it tends to be milder in babies, but I'm supposed to take ds to a baby group tomorrow and then swimming and wonder if I should cancel, as I'm not sure whether there is a chance that if he does have it, he might pass it on to the the other babies, since CP is contagious before symptons appear.

OP posts:
BouncingTurtle · 11/08/2008 06:50

That's good to know, on another forum that I post on there was a few mums who bf whose babies still caught chicken pox.
Actually this is the second time dss has had it - he caught it at 20months
But he seems to have it pretty mild this time, 3 spots and feels a bit grotty, apparently but no fever thank goodness.

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StormInanEcup · 11/08/2008 00:15

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ScottishMummy · 10/08/2008 23:08

if he has not had he has no immunity, regardless of whether you cannot prevent viral infection

BouncingTurtle · 10/08/2008 23:06

Anhyhoo thanks all for your input - will check again in the morning to see if anyone else has advice!
I've never had cp myself, and I have been exposed several times since childhood, and ds is bf so I guess there is a chance he might be ok. But I don't know for definite!

OP posts:
ScottishMummy · 10/08/2008 23:04

not true!it is a viral varicella zoozster.11-20 day incubation.sometimes pyexical (high temp), rash irritable before rash appears

BouncingTurtle · 10/08/2008 23:03

Hmm... so there is a risk if dss does have CP that ds might have it to. Ds is certainly not symptomatic at the moment. DSS's mum thinks that he was exposed a couple of weeks ago.
At least I was right about the mildness. I think I might knock the group off in the morning as there is an AN clinic in them morning and we do get the odd pg lady coming into bfing clinic. Think I'll ring my HV in the morning as I'm supposed to be seeing her for ds's developmental check.

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33k · 10/08/2008 23:00

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ScottishMummy · 10/08/2008 22:59

Contagious+++ 11-20 incubation period before symptoms eg spots (infectious until all spots have crusted over 5-7day after onset)

actually usually milder in infants

be vigilant

avoid pg women
if it is C'pox

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