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to feel fobbed off by gp

3 replies

trollywolly · 09/08/2008 22:35

when dd was born i needed a few stitches which healed well but have been sore since - mainly when doing the deed with dh. this has caused some strain in our relationship as i want to do it but have to be very careful.

went to gp who very begrudgingly referred me and have seen consultant this morning. they both examined me and said that there is nothing is wrong and give it time. dd is now 6mo.

does anyone else have any experience of pain where they were stitched? feel really frustrated!

OP posts:
theyoungvisiter · 09/08/2008 22:44

god how boring.

Hecate · 09/08/2008 22:41

No, this is a troll who is cutting and pasting random threads for some reason.

Trollywolly, do fuck off, there's a dear.

theyoungvisiter · 09/08/2008 22:40

er, didn't you post this exact same post under a different name a few days ago?

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