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to have jobs that I don't want my DSs to do?

81 replies

noonki · 17/07/2008 20:44

My friends and I have an ongoing list of jobs we would prefer our kids not to do....for example being in the army (might get hurt, nothing against armed forces, full respect to those that do) data entry cleric (might die of boredom) etc...

Now, I will completely support them should they choose to do any of these and would never tell them what is on the prefer not to do list but just hope they don't...

do you have any secret professions that you don't want your kids to do?

or on a positive note ones that you would?

OP posts:
Fennel · 18/07/2008 12:39

At least if they are medics you can let them take out huge loans for the uni years secure in the knowledge they will be able to pay them back easily.

fircone · 18/07/2008 12:59

Okay, but he will have to be a plastic surgeon (with mum as priority patient !)

eilidhfi · 18/07/2008 13:19

I would like DD to do something useful that earns her enough money to survive. At the moment her talents lie in smiling beautifully and pooing...

She's definitely not allowed to be an architect or a stunt woman.

RubyRioja · 18/07/2008 13:22

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scaryteacher · 18/07/2008 18:17

I'd like mine to be a nuclear submariner like his father; he wants to be an author; failing him being a steely eyed dealer of death in a black tube, an engineer would be good.

OrmIrian · 18/07/2008 18:36

DS#1 atm wants to be a roboticist or some kind of engineer. Although archaeologist is creeping up on the inside - I told him that would be fine if he never wanted to earn any money.

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