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that an 11 year old wiping his dirty bum on MY handtowel is unreasonable!!

49 replies

MummytoWillow · 14/07/2008 08:05

Are you ready for this one!

My two stepchildren were up this weekend, after they had gone home I had a tidy up, I went to change the handtowel in the downstairs loo and there was poo on it!! I then noticed that the loo roll had run out so obviously the lazy little tike decided not to shout one of us and wiped his arse on my handtowel!

I waited for hubby to come home and showed him and he just shook his head in dismay! I get on famously with both my step sons, but this is just disgusting! How embarrassing for my husband to have to tackle them about it, how can they possible think its OK to do that, especially as we have got a baby and I've been washing my hands in the loo and using that towel! Oh my god my stomach turns thinking of it!

Any suggestions how my DH can broach the subject, obviously they are going to deny it! One is 15 and one is 11, I think it was the 11 year old as surely a 15 year old wouldn't do that??

OP posts:
more · 14/07/2008 11:14

I think you should be slightly embarrased about not having kept enough loo rolls in the loo.
I would not want to have to call on somebody to give me a loo roll if I was caught short at somebody else's house. "Hey everyone look what I'm doing!" No thanks. I would be mortified if I had not left enough loo roll for my guests.

lazarou · 14/07/2008 11:18

I know, it's one of my favourite films. Great cast too.

helpmehelpme · 14/07/2008 11:20

Gross!! Gross!!! Gross!

LadyThompson · 14/07/2008 11:38

I know it's totally gross but I bet whichever one it was wasn't expecting it to show (!) It may just be idiotic boy thoughtlessness and I think that if you raise it, it might cause embarrassment and resentment, which I know from personal experience you don't need with stepkids, a fragile relationship anyway. Sorry you've had to put up with this though!

GreenUmbrella · 14/07/2008 12:16

Gross-out special. Actually similar thing to Along Came Polly happened to my DP and my father - hadn't been together that long, visiting my dad who was staying in USA, in apartment with bathroom directly off the sitting room. First day of visit, DP went to loo, blocked loo (not with hand towel I must add), loo overflowed.... first sounds to emerge were "fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck" (my heart sank at this point). Had to get apartment janitor in to mop up floor and clear blockage. Funniest thing was when my dad said "but why was the shower running at the same time?" - DP had to admit to putting it on to cover up any noise. Oh how I laughed.

newforold · 14/07/2008 12:23

Think yourself lucky you don't live in my house.
I can't have handtowels in any of the bathrooms as dsd will use the towels and the wall rather than loo paper (which is always available)
She is 7 and has some behavioural issues.

In your case i wouldn't make a big thing of it and to be honest, if it's up to anyone to mention it to the kids, it's your husband that should do it.
In future just make sure there is plenty of loo paper.

HumphreyCushioni · 14/07/2008 12:27

Quite resourceful really.
Probably too embarrassed to shout for anyone.
I bet you and DH won't forget to put a spare roll in the downstairs loo again.

I wouldn't mention it to the DSS.
No need to cause an embarrassing scene.

HuwEdwards · 14/07/2008 12:33

I think poo on his hand is a likely explanation. Prob never washed his hands well enough.

This is prob tmi, but if he'd wiped his are, there would probably be a lot....

MatNanPlus · 14/07/2008 12:34

I would just say 'spare rolls are here' and leave it at that but check the hand towel.

MummytoWillow · 14/07/2008 20:10

I did have spare loo rolls in the cupboard a pack of nine of them!

Usually there is a spare one in the basket on the floor but I must have forgot to replace it!!

Lazarou - That clip is hilarious thanks!! I suppose its not the end of the world is it, just gross really!

And I wouldn't dream of mentioning it to either of them, its up to their Dad if he wants to, I think the suggestion of saying 'the spare rolls are here' is the best one?

Posiflump - I don't think finding shite on my handtowel and being horrified is over the top, I've got a baby so I'm quite used to hideous poo's its the circumstances me thinks!

OP posts:
jammi · 14/07/2008 21:04

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ReallyTired · 14/07/2008 21:36

That is truely gross and there is no excuse for that kind of behaviour.

If it was me I would make the culprit wash the towel by hand. Prehaps make them handwash a couple of pooy nappies for good measure. However I suspect the nammy pammy mumnet bridaged would say this is child abuse.

Admitally its hard to do this punishment with a teenager. Prehaps being grounded for a week and paying for a new hand towel.

ReallyTired · 14/07/2008 21:36

That is truely gross and there is no excuse for that kind of behaviour.

If it was me I would make the culprit wash the towel by hand. Prehaps make them handwash a couple of pooy nappies for good measure. However I suspect the nammy pammy mumnet bridage would say this is child abuse.

Admitally its hard to do this punishment with a teenager. Prehaps being grounded for a week and paying for a new hand towel.

theexmrsfederer · 14/07/2008 21:44

I am not part of any "brigade" but I think that is a bit harsh RT.

Did you NEVER do something gross/silly as a kid, you must have been absolutely perfect.

I have a memory as a young child of being too lazy to use the loo in the night. I used to pee behind my bed. My mum found the patch at a later date and was mortified. I grew up "mostly" normal

LynetteScavo · 14/07/2008 21:50

Well I never did anything that gross when I was a kid!!!!!

chloemegjess · 14/07/2008 21:57

ReallyTired - I think thats a bit harsh.

I would just wash it and forget about it.

Janni · 14/07/2008 21:59

One of my son's friends did something similar. I threw the towel away and did not mention it. They just don't think like we do.

ReallyTired · 14/07/2008 22:19

They are secondary school aged children. They are not toddlers. Unless they have special needs they should know by now that you do not wipe your dirty bum on a towel.

By the age of 11 or 15 they also should know how to wash their hands.

FGS they are not young children. Their behaviour is inexcusable.

To put it into context you can leave home at get married at 16, you can join the army and kill people but some posters think that a 15 year old could not be punished for wiping poo on a towel.

Yes, it is gross, but if he chose to wipe poo then he should clean up the mess. Not everyone has money to waste on buying new towels. I wouldn't want pooy towels in my washing machine and chemicals used to sterilise nappies would ruin a nice hand towel.

squeaver · 14/07/2008 22:24

Hmm a dirty protest...

What is he objecting to?

Do you need to organise some bipartisan talks at a mutually agreed location with skilled negotiators (from the UN perhaps) to discuss a roadmap towards peace?

talkingmongoose · 14/07/2008 23:30

My Dss, 14, just pisses all over the toilet, there's always a yellow crust all over the seat hinges when he's gone, grrr.

LynetteScavo · 14/07/2008 23:36

But it could have been the DH that done it.

AlistairSim · 15/07/2008 09:06

Are all teenage boys prone to grossness then?


What else do they do?

I need to prepare myself.


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whatdayisit · 15/07/2008 09:24

Sorry , I haven't read all the thread, but why on earth is it "embarassing" for your DH to talk to his own son about this?

Personally I'd leave it - if you'd noticed while they were there then yes deal with it, but to bring it up days later would look like you're just spoiling for a fight imo.

helenhismadwife · 15/07/2008 14:59

I have to say I agree with those that have said that its more likely to have been poo on the hands unless there are other issues in your relationship.

I wouldnt mention it either I think it would certainly cause resentment

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